International Course List Spring 2018-updated on 3/13/2018
Name of the studio changed from "Street of Innovation: Self-organized Urban Regeneration Experiment Driven by Creative Urban Industries" to "Creative Distirct: Urban Design of Creative District based on Self-Organization Theory". First meeting changed to March 12,Wed. 13:30 at E314.
First meeting of "Landscape Planning and Design" changed to March 12, Monday 13:30 at D Lecture Hall-3
The studio "The Street_corner Urbanism Conceptual Design Competition" accepts 4 graduate level students
"Sculpture" is on Monday 13:30-16:15 @ Art Pottery Studio in Building D
Chinese Tranditional Architecture starts from May 11 Friday
Course offered by International School (Online Registration is Required)-for Dual Master Degree Students ONLY.pdf
Courses offered by International School (Online Registration is Required)-for NON-Degree students ONLY.pdf
Note: Please submit the course registration form to CAUP International Cooperation Office at B122 no later than 11:00am on Mar. 6, 2018.
If you want to drop or add an course, please fill out the following forms and submit to our office ONLY between Mar.21 to Mar. 23 from 9:00-11:00am. Pleaes make sure to get the professor sign both forms before your submission. If you fail to do so, you will get a 0 mark in your final transcript. In the meantime, you can go to the class you want to add on and simply turn in the forms during the time frame mentioned above. We dont accept any changes to your course after Mar. 23. Thank you!
Application for adding Courses
Application for dropping Courses