Urban Planning


The Program of Urban Planning at Tongji University is a key program designated by relevant authorities of both national and Shanghai local governments. The Department of Urban Planning was originated from the Department of Architecture, and initially entitled the Program of Urban Planning and Management (a four-year undergraduate program). In 1956, the Program Urban Planning and Management was divided into two parts, namely the Program of Urban Planning and the Program of Municipal Engineering. In 1960, the Program of Urban Planning became a program for both undergraduate and graduate students. In 1986, the Department of Urban Planning was established. In the same year, the Department started to offer a series of programs ranging from bachelor’s degree to doctoral degree.


By emphasizing on the importance of both professional education and personality development, both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, both basic skills and creative competence, the Department aims to cultivate high-level interdisciplinary professionals with specialized knowledge and comprehensive quality for urban planning, design and management.

Academic Staff

The Department has 47 full-time academic staff, including 18 professors, 14 associate professors and 15 lecturers. There are several groups in both research and teaching fields, namely Human Settlement and Sustainable Development, Urban Development Strategy and Policy, Theory and Methods of Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, Urban Design, Community Planning, Heritage Conservation, Planning and Design of Eco-cities.


General courses: Fine Arts, Descriptive Geometry, Perspective and Shadow, Surveying, Building Structure, Building Construction, Introduction to Architecture, Introduction to City, Engineering Economics.

Basic professional courses: Introduction to Architectural Design, Theory of Architectural Design, History of Architecture, Building Mechanics, Introduction to Urban Planning, History of Urban Development, Regional Economic Development and Planning, Urban Ecology and Environment Protection, Urban Geography, Urban Sociology, Urban Economics, Introduction to Urban Land and Property Development.

Advanced professional courses: Systems Approach to Urban Planning, Urban Administration and Regulations, Theories of Urban Planning, Urban Traffic and Transportation, Municipal Engineering, Introduction to Urban Design, Urban Policy Analysis, History of Urban Planning, Geographic Information System (GIS), Conservation of Historic and Cultural Heritage, Theories of Urban Green Space Planning, Urban Planning and Design.

More: https://upd-caup.tongji.edu.cn/main.htm