2018 Fall Semester E-Degree Photo Collection (For All Dual-degree Master Students)
Detail arrangements for e-degree photo collection is as followed:
Time: Saturday, Oct. 27, 9am to 12pm
Location: Multi-Functional Hall, 1st Floor of RUI AN Building(see map: here)
Below are the details:
1. Please wear white or light color clothes, no blue color because the background is blue.
2. Please bring 15 RMB cash and two forms of ID (passport and campus card)
3. Please do NOT wear contact lenses. No tinted glasses. Do NOT wear heavy make-ups.
4. The e-degree photo will be available for downloading after Nov. 30, 2018
at: Make sure to check your personal information before download photos.
A guide to help you to download the photo can be found at: Here
Please note that you need to submit both digital version and THREE printed photos to CAUP Intl.
Office (CAUP B122) before Jan. 15, 2019.
Please note:
- The degree photo will be shown on your degree certificate and application form for Master Degree. The photo collection is only for the dual degree students.
- The degree photo has specific requirement and irreplaceable, so it is not acceptable if you take it at anywhere else. Without the e-degree photo, your master degree dipolma will not be issued.
- If you are not able to make it on the arranged date, please take the photo by yourself at Room 2108, 181 Qiu Jiang Zhi Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai(虹口区虬江支路181号2108室). Tel:56315305 or 36521352, Mon-Sat. 9:00-12:00&13:00-16:30
Please Inform Each Other!!