2016 Fall E-Degree Photo Collection (For All Dual Master Students)
Detail arrangement for e-degree photo collection is as followed:
Time: Thursday, 27th Oct , 12:30-16:30
Venue: Multi-Functional Hall, 1st Floor of RUI AN Building(see map: here)
Below are the details:
1. Please wear light colors, no blue because the background is blue.
2. Bring with you 20 RMB in cash, Passport, and Student Chip-Card.
3. Please do not wear contact lenses.
4. The e-degree photo will be available for downloading from 15th Nov. 2016
at: Please note that you need to submit both digital version and
THREE printed photos to CAUP Intl. Office (CAUP B122) before 15th Jan. 2017.
Please note:
- The degree photo (will be shown on your degree certificate and application form for Master Degree) collection is only for the dual degree students.
- The degree photo has specific requirement and irreplaceable, so you cannot take it elsewhere. Without the e-degree photo, your master degree certificate will not be issued.
- If you will miss this time, pls go for taking the photo by yourself at Room 2108, 181 Qiu Jiang Zhi Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai(虹口区虬江支路181号2108室). Tel:56315305 or 36521352, Mo-Sa. 9:00-12:00&13:00-16:30
Please Inform Each Other!!