【Lecture 19.04.2023】 Tang-Song Temple Architecture in Formation and Transition
【Lecture 17.04.2023】 ltalian Housing Typolog: From 900 to Vertical Forest
【Lecture 14.04.2023】 Art and The Rural: Research and Engagement
【Lecture 14.04.2023】 Architectural Design Based on Structural Performance
【Lecture 12.04.2023】 Urban Community and Its Development
【Lecture 10.04.2023】 Twelve years Evolution and Degradation of Pulic Housing Norms in Shanghai
【Lecture 07.04.2023】 Back to Fundamentals [3] Timber Design
【Lecture 06.04.2023】 Mapping the Spatial Conditions of Polycentric Urban Development in China and Beyond
【Lecture 06.04.2023】 Science and Technology of Building Maintenance and Monuments Preservation according to WTA
【Lecture 01.04.2023】 THE FUTURE OF TRADITION
【Lecture 30.03.2023】 The Multiple and Contextual Dimensions of the Urban-rural Question: A View on Italian Case
【Lecture 29.03.2022】 Political Economic Analysis of Urban Space