【Lecture 12.12.2019】Salt Deterioration and Conservation Issues of the Medieval Limestone Facade of Notre-Dame La Grande in Poitiers, France
【Lecture 09.11.2019】Towards a Critical Pragmatism
【Lecture 03.04.2019】Every Day the Everyday by Prof. Kees Kaan
【Lecture 03.04.2019】Cultural Heritage in Urban Contexts: Lessons from Asia and Pacific by Prof. William Chapman
【Lecture 15.04.2019】Mind the Gap: New Strategies for Civic Space by Alan J. Plattus
【Lecture 04.04.2019】Towards Intergrated Territorial Development Planning across the Land and Sea Interface: Emerging Lessons from Europe
【Lecture 26.03. 2019】Architecture's long game by Dana Cuff
【Lecture 25.03.2019】Intersection of Architecture and the City by Prof. Jeffrey Johnson
【Lecture 18.03. 2019】International Development of the Modern Hospital by Prof. Julie Willis
【Lecture 04.03. 2019】Ecology and Regional Design
【Lecture 15.12. 2018】Empowerment Thru Architecture
【Lecture 04.12. 2018】Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps - Living Myterious Archeology, UNESCO World Heritage
【Lecture 03.12. 2018】Meaning: the Guiding Principle of Architecture by Prof. Meinhard von Gerkan
【Lectures of Prof. Benjamin Mouton 2018】Architectural Conservation