【10.27 讲座】Elena Manferdini:色彩校正

本课程邀请了Atelier Manferdini工作室创始人、SCI-Arc研究生项目主任Elena Manferdini展开特邀讲座,讲座安排为:

Color Corrections


  Color is everywhere. Seemingly self-evident and uncomplicated color is one of the most accessible elements of any visual language. And because of its ubiquitous nature, color reveals the visual aesthetics of the Zeitgeist. Today color is emissive, viral, expressive, engaged, and ecological. In this digital age where there is no such thing as one clear image or one correct viewpoint, color is nimble enough to broaden meaning. Color Correction is a lecture on the possibilities of color through the saturated world of Atelier Manferdini.

色彩无处不在。看似简单的色彩是视觉语言中最常见的元素之一。由于它无处不在的特性,色彩揭示了时代精神的视觉美学。在当今这个色彩充斥的数字时代,不存在所谓的清晰图像或正确观点,色彩具有足够的灵活性来拓宽意义。讲座《色彩校正》通过Atelier Manferdini工作室中饱和度丰富的案例,展示色彩的可能性。

Speaker: Elena Manferdini

Principal and Owner, Atelier Manferdini  

Atelier Manferdini工作室创始人

Graduate Programs Chair, Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) 


时间:10月27日   15:30-17:05


Time:15:30-17:05, October 27

Location:106, Building A, CAUP

 Speaker Information

Elena Manferdini

 Elena Manferdini is the principal and owner of Atelier Manferdini in Los Angeles and Graduate Programs Chair at Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc). With a body of work that spans public art, architecture and industrial design, her eponymous Atelier has created work that uplifts the human spirit. Her design is known for its vibrant colours, meaningful narratives and its high attention to novel materials and craft. Elena Manferdini has more than 20 years of professional experience and she is a leading voice in contemporary design culture and education. In 2019, Manferdini was honored with the ICON Award as part of the LA Design Festival, which is a prize that recognizes iconic women who have made an indelible mark on Los Angeles, culture, and society in general through their work, character, and creative leadership.

Elena Manferdini是洛杉矶Atelier Manferdini工作室创始人和负责人,也是南加州建筑学院(SCI-Arc)的分管研究生项目主任。她工作室的作品涵盖公共艺术、建筑和工业设计,创造了鼓舞人心的作品。她的设计以鲜艳的色彩,富有意义的叙事以及对新颖材料和工艺而闻名。Elena Manferdini拥有20多年的专业经验,是当代设计文化和教育的领军人物。2019年洛杉矶设计节,Elena Manferdini获得了ICON奖,该奖项旨在表彰那些通过工作、性格和创造性领导力,在洛杉矶文化和社会上留下不可磨灭印记的女性。

KAIDA Center of Science & Design, Dongguan, China, 2019