
Theory of Digital Design in Architecture
本系列全球博士生共享课程《数字设计理论》(Theory of Digital Design in Architecture)邀请数字建筑领域的国际先锋学者、建筑师进行为期6天的学术讲座。从6月17日起至6月22日,每天8:00-10:15(UTC-+8)、19:00-21:15(UTC-+8)两场讲座,欢迎大家入会听讲!
DigitalFutures open lecture series focuses on the many developments in architecture in the midst of digital transformation, and is organized by the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) of Tongji University in collaboration with universities, firms and research institutions around the world. The courses encourage innovation, collaboration and exchange, and focus on the scientific study of digital design theory, technology and methods.
This series of global doctoral shared courses, Theory of Digital Design in Architecture, invites international leading scholars and architects in the field of digital architecture to give a 6-day academic lecture. The lectures will be held from June 17th to June 22nd, with two sessions each day: 8:00-10:15 (UTC+8) and 19:00-21:25 (UTC+8). We welcome everyone to join and participate!
Evening Lecture Series /晚间讲座系列
Lecture 01
June 18 19:00-21:15(UTC-+8)
Zoom ID:882 4358 1786 Password:127837
Certain Measures:Data,Media,Worlds
Andrew Witt
Harvard GSD
·讲座主题 Theme ·
机器学习、人工智能以及最终数学的范式转变使架构师能够通过数据的视角解决复杂的系统和跨尺度问题。除了这些转变所提供的设计可能性之外,随着建筑学科界限的变化,他们需要重新思考设计工作室可以是什么。Certain Measures是一家以计算、ML和AI为基本媒介,设计人类、机器和自然通过数据互动的共享世界的工作室。通过一系列的案例研究,以及从他的书《构想:建筑,数学,文化》中提取的批判性和历史性的框架,Witt将分享计算,虚构,数据可视化和建筑的交叉实践如何增加设计的可能性,以想象一个更美好的明天。
Paradigm shifts in ML, AI, and ultimately mathematics are allowing architects to tackle complex systemic and trans-scalar problems through the lens of data. Beyond the design possibilities such shifts afford, as the disciplinary boundaries of architecture mutate they demand a rethinking of what a design office can be. Certain Measures is a studio that takes computation, ML, and AI as fundamental media to design a shared world in which humans, machines, and nature interact through data. Through a series of case studies, as well as a critical and historical framework drawn from his book Formulations: Architecture, Mathematics, Culture, Witt will share how intersecting practices of computation, fiction, data visualization, and architecture can multiply the possibilities of design to imagine a more verdant tomorrow.
Andrew Witt
Certain Measures联合创始人
Andrew Witt是哈佛大学设计研究生院的副教授,主要从事几何、数据、人工智能和机器与建筑、设计和文化之间关系的教学和研究。他受过建筑学和数学的双重训练,对技术上综合和逻辑上严谨的形式方法有着特别的兴趣。他还与Tobias Nolte共同创立了位于波士顿/柏林的工作室Certain Measures,该工作室将设计和数据结合起来,以系统和可扩展的方法解决空间问题。Certain Measures的作品被蓬皮杜中心永久收藏,并在蓬皮杜、巴比肯中心、未来博物馆、加拿大建筑中心等地展出过。
Andrew Witt is an Associate Professor in Practice at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, teaching and researching on the relationship of geometry, data, AI, and machines to architecture, design, and culture. Trained in both architecture and mathematics, he has a particular interest in a technically synthetic and logically rigorous approach to form. He is also co-founder, with Tobias Nolte, of Certain Measures, a Boston/Berlin-based studio that combines design and data for systemic and scalable approaches to spatial problems. The work of Certain Measures is in the permanent collection of the Centre Pompidou, and has been exhibited at the Pompidou, the Barbican Centre, the Museum of the Future, the Canadian Centre for Architecture, among others.
Lecture 02
June 18 19:00-21:15(UTC-+8)
Zoom ID:882 4358 1786Password:127837 线下地址:CAUP B楼钟庭报告厅
Generative or Biological:
Models of Architecture
Shiqiao Li / 李士桥
·讲座主题 Theme ·
Morphology and typology are what architecture traditionally takes from biology, a sort of biomimicry. Big Data or Big Model has enabled us to approximate deeper structures of biology through algorithms. Yet, data-driven design and manufacturing map onto some aspects of biological life (the exceedingly large number of atoms and molecules, self-reproducibility) and not others (the second law of thermodynamics); ironically, this digital mimicking of biological life threatens to accelerate the process of life systems on earth towards entropy. Should we reintroduce the “noise of life” into data-driven processes so as to think and produce architecture in tune with biological laws? This lecture will examine some connections between architecture and foundational biological concepts and introduce the results of a design studio at the University of Virginia.
Book of Rights by Christopher MacDonnell
(copyright Christopher MacDonnell)
Shiqiao Li / 李士桥
李士桥,他的研究专注于城市和建筑理论的写作和设计。发表了包括Power and Virtue、Architecture and Modernization、Kowloon Cultural District (with Esther Lorenz)、Understanding the Chinese City等图书和众多期刊文章,同时他通过世界各地的主题演讲和客座讲座,贡献了城市和建筑理论,表明了文化和智力建构价值的运作有助于城市和建筑的产生。他的研究有助于构建环境时制定更明智和有效的行动。他在建筑中寻求理解和响应知识的途径,旨在丰富这个普遍技术化和生态紧张化的世界。
Shiqiao Li, he researches in the area of urban and architectural theory in writing and design. Published in Power and Virtue, Architecture and Modernization, Kowloon Cultural District (with Esther Lorenz), Understanding the Chinese City, journal articles, as well as delivered through keynote and guest lectures around the world, his contribution to urban and architectural theory makes evident the operations of culturally and intellectually constructed values instrumental to the production of cities and architecture. His research enlarges thinking spaces within which more sensible and effective actions in the constructed environment can be formulated. He seek pathways of intellectual understanding and response in architecture that aim to restore our pervasively technologized and ecologically strained world to its fertile functions.
Lecture 03
June 19 19:00-21:15(UTC-+8)
Zoom ID:882 4358 1786 Password:127837
The End of Manners
Alejandro zaera-Polo
·讲座主题 Theme ·
讲座将试图阐明某些当代文化和政治进程对建筑学科的影响。反之亦然:面对某些文化进程,如后真理、民粹主义和身份政治,建筑如何从更多的技术实践和后人类情感的重新定位中获得能动性。COVID - 19和乌克兰战争成为标志着后现代/后结构主义文化结束的里程碑,后现代/后结构主义文化自20世纪70年代以来在建筑和其他艺术学科中盛行。
The lecture will try to articulate the implications that certain contemporary cultural and political processes have on the discipline. And viceversa: how the discipline could acquire agency in the face of certain cultural processes such as post-truth, populism and identity politics, from a reorientation towards more technical practices and post-human sensibilities. COVID 19 and the war in Ukraine become the milestones that mark the end of the postmodern/poststructuralist culture that has been prevalent since the 1970s in architecture and other artistic disciplines.
AZPML's work of the past few years will be presented not so much as an example, but as an index of the changes to come.
Alejandro zaera-Polo
Alejandro graduated from the School of Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and later received a master's degree from Harvard University. The work combines architectural practice and theoretical research, and combines architecture, urban design and landscape design. He worked at OMA before founding FOA and forming AZPML. Taught at AA, TUD, Yale; He served as Dean of the School of Architecture at Princeton University and as a guest judge at Columbia University and UCLA. He is now a tenured professor at Princeton University.
Lecture 04
June 20 19:00-21:15(UTC-+8)
Zoom ID:882 4358 1786 Password:127837
Rethinking Architecture:Interrelations between Biology and Building
Achim Menges
ICD Stuttgart
·讲座主题 Theme ·
Inspiration found in nature, together with advances in computational design and robotic fabrication, challenge existing approaches in architecture in a surprising manner, or even point out completely new possibilities for design and construction. Biology offers an almost inexhaustible reservoir of principles of form, structure and process that can be transferred to architecture. At the same time, computation profoundly transforms the building industry.
The lecture will showcase ways of tapping the full potential of digital technologies in architecture and construction through inspiration by nature, in order to go beyond the mere digitalization of established planning procedures and the automation of existing building processes towards truly integrative computational design and construction for future-proof architecture.
Achim Menges
Achim Menges是法兰克福的注册建筑师,也是斯图加特大学的全职教授,他是计算设计和建造研究所(ICD)和建筑综合计算设计和建造卓越集群(IntCDC)的创始主任。此外,他曾担任哈佛大学研究生院建筑系的访问教授,并在欧洲和美国担任过多个访问教授职务。他毕业于伦敦建筑协会(AA School of Architecture),并获得荣誉学位,随后在该校研究生院和英国建筑联盟证书学院担任工作室主管和单元导师的教学工作。
Achim Menges is a registered architect in Frankfurt and full professor at the University of Stuttgart, where he is the founding director of the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) and the director of the Cluster of Excellence Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture (IntCDC). In addition, he has been Visiting Professor in Architecture at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design and held multiple other visiting professorships in Europe and the United States. He graduated with honours from the Architectural Association, AA School of Architecture in London, where he subsequently taught as Studio Master and Unit Master in the AA Graduate School and the AA Diploma School.
Lecture 05
June 21 19:00-21:15(UTC-+8)
Zoom ID:882 4358 1786 Password:127837
Dwelling in the Digital Age: Imagination,Experience, and Subjectivity
Antoine Picon
Harvard GSD
·讲座主题 Theme ·
Dwelling appears as a complex entanglement of dreams and realities, mental representations, and concrete practices. Here the question of its evolution in the digital age is approached at three levels. Firstly, what are the changes that it brings to the concrete experience of the built environment that have accompanied the rise of digital technologies? The Covid19 pandemic has contributed to reveal some of them, but the full picture is still far from clear. Secondly, how are these changes related to this different understanding of the human that is often dubbed as a transition towards a ‘posthuman’ condition? Thirdly, the least evident to address: will these shifts lead to the emergence of new spatial organizations and programs? Central to the argument which will be developed is that there is a deep relation between dwelling and the constitution of human subjectivity. Dwelling in the digital age is thus inseparable from the question of the evolution of what it means to be human in our contemporary societies.
Antoine Picon
Antoine Picon,工程师、建筑师和历史学家,哈佛大学设计研究生院的建筑和技术史教授。他也是Le Corbusier基金会的主席,发表了大量有关技术、社会、建筑和城市之间关系的文章。他的著作有:Digital Culture in Architecture: An Introduction for the Design Professions(2010), Ornament: The Politics of Architecture and Subjectivity(2013), Smart Cities: A Spatialized Intelligence(2015), The Materiality of Architecture(2021)。
Trained as an engineer, architect and historian, Antoine Picon is professor of the history of architecture and technology at Harvard Graduate School of Design. He is also the chairman of the Fondation Le Corbusier. He has published extensively on the relations between technological change, society, architecture and the city. Among his books are Digital Culture in Architecture: An Introduction for the Design Professions (2010), Ornament: The Politics of Architecture and Subjectivity (2013), Smart Cities: A Spatialized Intelligence (2015), The Materiality of Architecture (2021).
Lecture 06
June 22 19:00-21:15(UTC-+8)
Zoom ID:882 4358 1786 Password:127837
On the New Humanism of Artificial Intelligence
Mario Carpo
·讲座主题 Theme ·
this lecture will discuss some aspects of the current use of machine learning technologies in the visual arts, and suggest that GAN generated images, or images generated by generative AI, are inducing a surreptitious revival of some ancestral (and long disparaged) categories of western art, such as imitation, and style.
Page from Sebastiano Serlio’s On Antiquities (Francesco Marcolini da Forli, 1540).
Mario Carpo
Mario Carpo是一位建筑历史学家和评论家,目前是伦敦大学巴特利特学院的雷纳·巴纳姆建筑历史和理论教授,也是维也纳应用艺术大学建筑研究所的建筑理论教授。他的研究和出版物集中在早期现代建筑史以及当代设计和技术的理论和评论。
Mario Carpo is an architectural historian and critic, currently the Reyner Banham Professor of Architectural History and Theory at the Bartlett, University College London and the Professor of Architectural Theory at the Institute of Architecture of the University of Applied Arts (die Angewandte) in Vienna. His research and publications focus on history of early modern architecture and on the theory and criticism of contemporary design and technology.
Morning Lecture Series /上午讲座系列
Lecture 01~06
June 17~22 8:00-10:15(UTC-+8)
Zoom ID:895 0243 4442 Password:000480
Camouflage Revisited
Neil Leach
Tongji University
·讲座主题 Theme ·
关于我们今天所处的先进技术世界,先进的理论能告诉我们什么?该系列重新审视了两本关于建筑理论的开创性书籍,《建筑审美泛化》(麻省理工学院,1999 年)和《伪装》(麻省理工学院,2006 年),这两本书涉及Adorno, Bataille, Baudrillard, Benjamin, Butler, Deleuze, Derrida, Freud, Kristeva, Lacan and Zizek的工作。该系列讲座试图通过这种方式为当代关于人工智能、神经科学、虚拟现实、交互式设计和其他问题的辩论开辟新的见解。
What can theory tell us about the advanced technological world in which we operate today? The series revisits two seminal books on architectural theory, The Anaesthetics of Architecture (MIT, 1999) and Camouflage (MIT, 2006), which engage with the work of Adorno, Bataille, Baudrillard, Benjamin, Butler, Deleuze, Derrida, Freud, Kristeva, Lacan and Zizek. In so doing it seeks to open up fresh insights into contemporary debates about artificial intelligence, neuroscience, virtual reality, interactive design and other concerns.
Neil Leach
Neil Leach是一位建筑师和理论家。他目前是同济大学、FIU客座教授。他曾参与NASA火星项目,担任研究员,还曾任教于南加州建筑学院、AA、哈佛大学GSD、康奈尔大学、哥伦比亚大学、德索建筑学院、丹麦皇家美术学院、加泰罗尼亚高级建筑学院、加泰罗尼亚国际大学、巴斯大学、布莱顿大学、诺丁汉大学和UCL等高校。他拥有剑桥大学建筑学硕士学位,以及诺丁汉大学建筑理论博士学位。
Neil Leach is an architect and theorist. He is currently a visiting professor at Tongji and FIU University. He has worked on NASA's Mars project as a researcher and has taught at the Southern California Institute of Architecture, AA , Harvard GSD, Cornell University, Columbia University, Desso School of Architecture, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Catalan Institute of Advanced Architecture, Catalan International University, University of Bath, University of Brighton, University of Nottingham and UCL. He holds a Master of Architecture from the University of Cambridge and a PhD in Architectural Theory from the University of Nottingham.
Architectural DigitalFUTURES 2023
中国建筑学会计算性设计分会, 建筑师分会
Architectural Intelligence | 建筑学报 | 时代建筑 | 世界建筑 | Architecture China | 西部人居环境学刊 | 南方建筑 | 建筑技艺 | 建筑实践 | 有方 | 谷德设计网 | ArchDaily | Dezeen
Architectural DigitalFUTURES
“建筑数字未来”(Architectural DigitalFUTURES)于2011年由同济大学建筑与城市规划学院(CAUP)与上海建筑数字建造工程技术研究中心(SFAB)发起,依托Architectural DigitalFUTURES协会,国际建筑师协会,中国建筑学会,国家土建结构预制装配化工程技术研究中心,上海市建筑学会等学术平台,联合全球知名学者、建筑师、设计师及相关企、事业单位和学术媒体共同组织,形成了线上、线下一体化的教育平台。活动涵盖讲座、会议、工作坊和展览等。如今,Architectural DigitalFUTURES作为一个全球性建筑知识交流共同体,以www.digitalfutures.world为平台,鼓励全球建筑知识的传承与创新、合作与交流,重点关注数字化设计理论、技术以及人工智能算法、机器人建造等在建成环境领域的科学研究。
Architectural DigitalFUTURES is launched by College of Architecture and Urban Planning(CAUP), Tongji University andShanghai Digital Architecture Fabrication Technology Center (SFAB) in 2011. International Union ot Architects (UIA),Architectural Society of China (ASC), National Engineering Technology Research Centelfor Prefabrication Construction in Civil Engineering, and The Architectural Society of Shanghai ChinaIASSC) collaborate with alobal renowned scholars, architects, desianers, enterprises and academic mediain this field to establish an online and offline integrated educational platform relying onDigitalFUTURES. The events are consisting of lectures, conferences, workshops and exhibitions, etcNowadays, Architectural DigitalFUTURES as a global architecture exchange community, with the platform,,encourages the inheritance and innovation, collaboration and' communicationof global knowledge in architecture and emphasizes scientific research about digital desian theorytechnology and artificial intelligence algorithms, robotic fabrication, etc. in the field of architecture anabuilt environment.
内容提供 | Architectural DigitalFUTURES组委会
编辑 | Wst、Zyl