联合国人居署(UN-HABITAT)每两年在世界各国的不同城市举行“世界城市论坛(the World Urban Forum)”。2014年4月5日至11日,“第七届世界城市论坛(WUF7)” 将在哥伦比亚召开。
Maximum 60 seconds duration with viral capacity.
Showcase the creativity of urban youth
Represent the diversity of the city in which they live
Respond to any of the following questions: a) What do you love about your city? b) What are you doing to improve your city? c) What would you like to change about your city?
Must include name of director and university in credits
Please submit your video in a compressed format to andrea.garcia@unhabitat.org and wsc2@tongji.edu.cn with subject "WUF7 STUDENT VIDEO SUBMISSION - LAST NAME - FIRST NAME - NAME OF UNIVERSITY".
1. 视频短片截止时间:2014年3月16日
2. 通知评选结果时间:2014年3月31日
the World Urban Forum
The World Urban Forum (WUF) is a non-legislative technical forum convened by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), hosted in a different city every two years, to examine the most pressing issues facing the world today in the area of human settlements, including rapid urbanization and its impact on cities, communities, economies, climate change and policies. It is the World s Premier Conference on Cities.
The Forum gathers a wide range of experts from every walk of life. Participants at the Forum include, but are not limited to, national, regional and local governments, non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, professionals, research institutions and academies, professionals, private sector, development finance institutions, foundations, media and United Nations organizations and other international agencies.
The WUF promotes the strong participation of Habitat Agenda partners and relevant international programmes, funds and agencies, thus ensuring their inclusion in the identification of new issues, the sharing of lessons learned and the exchange of best practices and good policies.
WUF7 Medellín
This year, the Seventh session of the World Urban Forum will take place April 5-11 in the city of Medellín, located in the department of Antioquia, in Colombia. With the support of the Municipality of Medellín and the Government of Colombia, Medellín will host the WUF, offering its own inspirational award-winning urban landscape to over 10,000 expected participants representing 160 countries.
Participants will convene at the city s exposition center, Plaza Mayor, for six days of discussions examining the conference s theme "Urban Equity in Development - Cities for Life". As an international example of urban transformation through social urbanism, Medellín will also become an urban laboratory during the World Urban Forum 7. Both physically and institutionally, Medellín has exemplified its prioritization of vulnerable communities with solutions for accessible mobility, inclusive governance and quality education, together with the recovery of public space and green areas throughout the city.
In addition to serving as a prime opportunity to discuss the state of our cities today, the Seventh session of the World Urban Forum (WUF7) will also be central in substantively feeding into the preparation processes of the and into the review of the urban agenda in Habitat III in 2016. The Forum will also lead a global effort advocating for sustainable and equitable urban development, and advancing its placement on the political and media agenda.
To participate in this unique opportunity to help shape the global urban agenda, register to attend the World Urban Forum, and visit the WUF7 Booking Center to plan your trip.
Post 2015 and Habitat III
The WUF7 will reaffirm the manner in which UN-Habitat and its partners contribute to guiding and enriching the policy work on equity and sustainable urbanization through an open dialogue. The Forum has the development objective to further advance the outcomes of the RIO+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development that proposed a blueprint to rethink economic growth while advancing social equity. The Forum will be a good opportunity to actively pursue the political and technical debates on a socially and ecologically equitable future initiated in Rio in June 2012.
The Forum will also set the stage to discuss the Post-2015 Development Agenda content with regards to the critical nexus of equity, inclusive growth and sustainable urban development. Key notions such as human rights, inequality and gender disparities will be debated as part of this new conceptual framework.
The WUF7 will feed into the global preparatory process of the (Habitat III). It will be closely linked to, and guided by, the overarching principle of equitable growth and shared prosperity. This will represent an opportunity to integrate equity in the development discourse, ensuring that urbanization becomes a positive force for all present and future generations of the world s cities.