The ceremony for presentation of the comic book “Plane-trees and My Opinions on Urban Life” for landscape protection in Hengshan and Fuxing Roads and the “Urban-Ring campus campaign” of Tongji University was launched at a elementary school councilor’s assembly in Xuhui District. As a part of serial campaign events for conservation of historic landscape in the district, the activity was initiated and co-organized by Xuhui Planning and Land Authority, Xuhui District Education Bureau, College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) of Tongji University and WHITRAP.
Ms. Shao Yong, the Professor of CAUP and deputy director of Xuhui Planning and Land Authority made a speech of the theme “to protect historic and cultural landscape of a city” to present the activities of the campaign. Famous cartoonist and the author of the comic book Mr. Murong Yindao described his original intention and experience of the painting, and representative of volunteers from Tongji University Xie Benhao made a brief introduction to the campus campaign. In the end, the host institutes presented the comic books to the school counselors of the district.
The “Urban-Ring” Campus Campaign aims to facilitate the promotion and distribution of cultural heritage protection ideas and the knowledge. The volunteers will arrange interesting lectures, games and tours by following the story of Dog Daodao, the chief character of the book, to give guidance to the kids on the appreciation of the charisma of historic buildings and districts, to let them discover beauty, character and soul of the city, and to inspire their interests in heritage and life. The campaign will take a mode of knowledge transmission from generation to generation, namely from teachers to university students and then to middle and elementary school students, which also marks a new attempt where civil society promotes the public involvement in heritage protection.