科罗拉多大学建筑与城市规划学院院长Dr. Mark Gelernter教授一行将于09年1月3日来我院访问交流,双方将就联合培养等问题进行深入探讨。来访嘉宾也应邀为我院师生做以下学术报告:
2009.1.5   18:00      钟庭报告厅
2009.1.6   18:00      钟庭报告厅
Professor of Architecture and Dean of the College Dr. Mark Gelernter:
“Space Syntax: Knowledge Based Urban Design.”

Based on studies of cities around the world for over 30 years, the Space Syntax research unit at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, can accurately predict the likelihood of people using public spaces before they are built. Dr. Gelernter brought Space Syntax researchers to Denver, Colorado and he will explain how Space Syntax works brought fresh insight to complex urban design problems and how knowledge-based design led to better design decisions.
Associate Professor Dr. Taisto H. Mäkelä:
“The Tale of 4 Denver Art Museums:  Ponti, Libeskind, Adjaye, & Cloepfil.
The ongoing global art museum building boom is the result of powerful socio-economic forces.  Of particular concern is that of growing corporate influence.  Denver is no exception.  Dr. Mäkelä will compare and contrast two practices - that of museum and that of art - through four contrasting case studies:  the Denver Art Museum of 1971 by Gio Ponti, the addition of 2006 by Daniel Libeskind, The Museum of Contemporary Art by David Adjaye of 2007, and the Clyfford Still Museum of 2010 by Brad Cloepfil.
Assistant Prof. Dr. Jeremy Németh:
“Security and Urban Space in Post-9/11 New York City.”

After September 11, 2001, planners and policymakers began to implement physical and regulatory changes that would change the face of major US cities. Replete with fortressed buildings, privatized plazas, and sidewalks ringed with concrete bollards, the post-9/11 city is uniformly lamented by critical urban scholars for mediating diversity and restricting meaningful interaction. Discussing results of empirical studies in three Manhattan neighborhoods, this presentation outlines how an anti-terror managerial culture not only reduces the amount of public space left in the city, but also limits the publicness of that which remains.
 Professor and Associate Dean of the College, Dr. Yuk Lee:
“Metropolitan Development: the Centripetal and Centrifugal movements of shopping centers in Metro Denver, USA and Brisbane, Australia”

The research project is about an analysis of the centripetal and centrifugal movements of shopping centers in Denver, USA and Brisbane, Australia. The first part of the project is a conceptual discussion of the forces responsible for the movement of the retail activity in the metropolitan area, and the second part is an empirical, statistical analysis of the “larger-newer-farther away” hypothesis of the shopping center development in the Denver and Brisbane metropolitan areas.