【5月13日15:00】 加拿大蒙特利尔市市长及高等教育代表团宣讲会

时间: 5月13日下午三点

地点: 逸夫楼一楼会议室


市政府官员:Mr. Gerald Tremblay, Mayor of Montreal
Mrs. Christiane Miville-Deschênes, responsible of the communications at the Mayor's Cabinet
Mr. Robert Pilon, Director of the Institutional Affairs
Mr. Jacques Besner, International Affairs Advisor - China
Mrs Martine Primeau, Chief of Divison, Marketing and Investment, Urban and Economic Development
Mr Benoit Turgeon, International Economic Affairs Advisor, Urban and Economic Development


Mr. Luc Vinet, Rector of the Universite de Montreal (UdeM)
Mrs. Judith Woodsworth, Rector of Concordia University
Mr. Christophe Guy, General Manager of the Polytechnic School (attached to the Universite de Montreal)
Mr. Yves Beauchamp, General Manager of the ETS (Ecole de Technologie Superieure)
Mrs. Rima Rosen, Vice-Principal, responsible of the international Affairs at the McGill University
Mr. Claude-Yves Charron, Vice-Rector, responsible of the international Affairs at the Universite du Quebec in Montreal
Mr. Giovanni De Paoli, Dean of the Planning Faculty (Architecture / Urban planning / Landscape Architecture) of the Universite de Montreal
Mr. Richard Masse, Director of the Public Health School of the Universite de Montreal
Mrs Ruth  Dupré, Director of programs, Business School of UdeM (HEC Montreal)
