【9月26日】“挪威建筑理念:原创、传承与革新” 演讲会(会后有精美建筑画册及世博门票抽奖!!)

Invitation to an open lecture on

Norwegian architecture: Authenticity, Heritage and Renewal”




Organizer 主办:        College of Architecture & Urban Planning, Tongji Unversity
Co-organizer 协办:  The Foundation for Design and Arhcitecture in Noway
                                 Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai
26th September 2010, Sunday / 2010年9月26日,星期日
Time:         18:00 – 20:00 / 时间:18:00 – 20:00
Venue:       Principal Auditorium of Building B, College of Architecture & Urban 
                  Planning / 建筑与城市规划学院B楼钟庭报告厅
Moderator: Prof. ZHANG Guanzeng / 主持人:张冠增教授
Brief of the lecture: 演讲会主题概括:
In the course of recent years a number of small but noteworthy architectural projects along Norwegian roads have received international attention. These sites are part of the ongoing work of developing the attraction of National Tourist Routes in Norway. The initiative has so far resulted in close to 200 built projects, ranging from stopping points, information centres, picnic areas and observation platforms. The project emphasizes creativity and innovation over cost efficiency, and has served as a way for young architects to launch themselves as independent designers.
With the National Tourist Routes in Norway as background, the seminar will discuss the potential of architecture as a driving force for tourism, heritage, traditions and renewal of wooden architecture, as well as architectural quality.
Speaker: Mr. Karl Otto Ellefsen, Professor of Architecture and Urbanism and Head of the Oslo School of Architecture and Design
讲演者:Karl Otto Ellefsen,奥斯陆建筑设计学院院长及建筑与城市学教授
Speaker: Ms. Jenny B. Osuldsen, Landscape Architect, partner of Snøhetta
讲演者:Jenny B. Osuldsen,景观建筑师,挪威著名建筑事务所Snøhetta合伙人
Opening speech by Mrs. Anniken Huitfeldt, Norwegian Minister of Culture
Prof. WU Jiang, Vice President, Tongji University
Discussion followed by gifts to most active students, lucky draw for Expo entrance tickets, Norwegian architecture books, music CDs and more.
You are all welcome & see you there!