Innovation & Conservation—Historic Building Renovation Practice of Kokaistudios
演讲人:意大利建筑师Filippo Gabbiani和Andrea Destefanis
时间:2011年09月21日 星期三 18:30
Kokaistudios由意大利建筑师Filippo Gabbiani和Andrea Destefanis于2000年联合创立于威尼斯,是一家多元化综合性的设计事务所。事务所成立十年来,Kokaistudios在旧建筑改造领域积累了丰富的经验。其中,在上海完成的外滩18号和淮海路796项目分别获得的两项UNESCO联合国教科文组织颁发的亚太地区文化遗产保护大奖。“创新和保护”是Kokaistudios在旧建筑改造设计中始终坚持的理念,如何在实践工程中策略性的把持并实现这一理念是本次报告希望和大家分享的主题。
Kokaistudios is an award winning multi-disciplinary design firm founded in 2000 in Venice by Italian architects Filippo Gabbiani & Andrea Destefanis. Kokaistudios transformed of the old building has accumulated rich experience in the field in the last 10 years. Including 2 UNESCO Asia Pacific Heritage awards for our the Bund 18 and Huai Hai Lu 796 projects.  "Innovation and Conservation " in the old building renovation is Kokaistudios always adhere to the concept of design, how to practice engineering in the strategic control and to make this concept work is the theme of this report that we would like to share with everyone.