
Landscape Architecture vs Beautiful China
SectionⅠ:The Study and Practice of Landscape Architecture Discipline-teams of Tongji University

Sponsor: College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
Undertaker: Landscape Studies Department of Tongji University
          The Commission of Landscape Architecture Discipline , Tongji University

时    间:第一场2013年5月15日13:15-17:30
Time:  Section Ⅰ 13:15-17:30, May 15, 2013
地    点:同济大学建筑城市规划学院B楼钟庭报告厅
Place:The Bell Hall of Building B, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

学术主席:刘滨谊 同济大学景观学系主任; 同济大学风景园林学科委员会主任
Chairman:LIU Binyi, Chairman of Landscape Studies Department, Tongji University
          Chairman of the Commission of Landscape Architecture Discipline, Tongji University


会议议程The agenda of the meeting
13:15-13:30 刘滨谊教授致词
Making Remarks, LIU Binyi, Professor
主持人1: 王云才教授 同济大学景观学系副系主任、同济大学风景园林学科委员会副主任
Compere 1: Prof. WANG Yuncai, PH.D., Vice Chairman of Landscape Studies Department, Tongji University; Vice Chairman of the Commission of Landscape Architecture Discipline, Tongji University

13:30-14:10   演讲题目:风景名胜与景观遗产的理论与实践
Title:The Theory and Practice of Scenic Sport and Landscape Heritage
演讲人:严国泰 博士•教授,风景园林历史理论与遗产保护团队负责人
Lecturer:Professor YAN Guotai, Ph.D., Theory,History and Heritage Conservation Team Leader

14:10-14:50   演讲题目:大地景观规划与生态修复的研究与实践
演讲人:刘滨谊 博士•教授, 大地景观规划与生态修复团队负责人
Title:The Research and Practice of Landscape Planning and Ecological Restoration
Lecturer:Professor LIU Binyi, Ph.D. ,Landscape Planning and Ecological Restoration Team Leader

14:50-15:30    演讲题目:世界景观公约运动中的中国策略
演讲人:吴伟 博士•教授,园林与景观设计团队负责人
Title:The Study on China Strategy in the World Movement of Landscape   Convention
            Lecturer:Professor WU Wei, Ph.D. Landscape and Garden Design Team Leader

15:30-15:40    中场休息(Break)

主持人2: 周向频教授 同济大学景观学系副系主任、同济大学风景园林学科委员会副主任
Compere 2: Prof. ZHOU Xiangpin, PH.D., Vice Chairman of Landscape Studies Department, Tongji University; Vice Chairman of the Commission of Landscape Architecture Discipline, Tongji University

15:40-16:20    演讲题目:风景园林法定与非法定规划——同济工科特色教学方法
演讲人:金云峰 教授,景观工程技术与植物应用团队负责人
Title:Statutory and Non-statutory Planning of Landscape — Featured Teaching Method of Tongji Engineering Discipline
             Lecturer:Professor JIN Yunfeng, Landscape Engineering and Plant Application Team Leader

16:20-17:00:   演讲题目:活动中的微观地理因素:美国小学校园中的体育活动与社会行为的分析
               演讲人:LOIS BRINK,美国科罗拉多州立大学(丹佛)建筑学院博士•教授
Title: Micro-geographies of Play: An Analysis of Physical Activity and Social Behavior on Elementary School Grounds in the U.S.A.
Lecturer:LOIS BRINK,Professor of UCD, USA

17:00-17:30    讨论(discussion)