
Landscape Architecture•Beautiful China
Section Ⅱ:Hybrid landscape, spatial imagination
The Closing Ceremony of Chinese Landscape Architecture Month (Shanghai)

时    间:第二场2013年5月23日 (周四)  13:15-17:30
Time:  Section Ⅱ 13:15-17:30, May 23, 2013
地    点:同济大学建筑城市规划学院B楼钟庭报告厅
Place:The Bell Hall of Building B, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

学术主席:刘滨谊 教授,同济大学景观学系主任; 同济大学风景园林学科委员会主任
Chairman:LIU Binyi:
 Chairman of Landscape Studies Department, Tongji University
 Chairman of Landscape Architecture Discipline Committee, Tongji University

会议议程Agenda of Symposium

 致词1:刘滨谊  同济大学景观学系教授
 Address: LIU Binyi:
Professor of Landscape Studies Department, Tongji University
Vice President of Shanghai Society of Landscape Architecture
Director of Education Committee of Shanghai Society of Landscape-Architecture  

致词2:周如雯 上海市风景园林学会秘书长,教授级高工
Address: ZHOU Ruwen, Professor
Secretary-General of Shanghai Society of Landscape Architecture


主持人1:金云峰  同济大学景观学系教授
Moderator: JIN Yunfeng, Professor of Landscape Studies Department, Tongji University

13:30-14:05  演讲题目:非正式框架:自建城市增长的管理
演讲人:David Gouverneur, 宾夕法尼亚大学教授
Title: Informal Armatures: Stewarding the Growth of the Self-constructed City
Lecturer: David Gouverneur, Professor of University of Pennsylvania

14:05-14:30  演讲题目:都市农业景观的探索与实践
演讲人:朱胜萱 东联设计集团首席设计师
Title:Exploration and Practice of Urban Agricultural Landscape
Speaker:ZHU Shengxuan, Chief Designer of Oriental Union Design Group

14:30-14:55  演讲题目:城市景观空间的多样性探索与实践
演讲人:朱祥明 上海市园林设计院院长,教授级高工
Title:Exploration and Practice of Urban Landscape Space Diversity
Speaker:ZHU Xiangming, Professor, President of Shanghai Landscape Architecture Design Institute,

14:55-15:20  演讲题目:绿色空间与灰色空间的博弈
演讲人:刘颂  同济大学景观学系教授
 Title:The Game between Green Space and Grey Space
Speaker:LIU Song, Professor of Landscape Studies Department, Tongji University

15:20-15:40  休息(Break)


主持人2:严国泰  同济大学景观学系教授
Moderator 2: YAN Guotai, Professor of Landscape Studies Department, Tongji University

15:40-16:15  演讲题目:景观的诗意融合
演讲人: Valerio Morabito, 宾夕法尼亚大学教授
 Title:Poetic Hybridation of Landscape
 Speaker: Valerio Morabito, Professor of University of Pennsylvania
16:15-16:40  演讲题目:都市景观的动态转型

演讲人: Francesco Belligerante, 宾夕法尼亚大学访问学者
Title:Dynamic Transformation of Urban Landscape
Speaker: Francesco Belligerante, Visiting Scholar of University of Pennsylvania,
16:40-17:05  演讲题目:景观的力量——城市历史景观

演讲人:韩锋  同济大学景观学系教授
Title:The Power of Landscape-- Historic Urban Landscape (HUL)
Speaker::HAN Feng, Professor of Landscape Studies Department, Tongji University
17:05-17:30  讨论(Discussion)

报告会相关展览 (2013/5/22-5/31) Exhibition
都市农业、天空农场Urban Agriculture, Roof farm
(B楼钟庭 The Bell Court of Building B)

Sponsor: Landscape Studies Department of Tongji University
Shanghai Society of Landscape Architecture
Shanghai OUDG  Ing,Ltd. Co.
Shanghai Landscape Architecture Design Institute,Ltd.

Organizer: Academic Team of Landscape Engineering and Plant Application
Academic Team of Theory,History and Heritage Conservation