报告题目: 太平桥与新天地的规划发展及设计 “Development Planning and Design of TPQ and Xintiandi” 讲座人:陈建邦先生 主持人:涂慧君 副教授 时间:2013年11月1日 下午14:00 地点:同济大学建筑与城市规划学院B楼 钟庭报告厅 讲座人简介: 陈建邦先生在瑞安房地产发展有限公司担任规划发展及设计总监。瑞安房地产发展有限公司总部设于上海,并在香港上市,作为瑞安集团在中国内地的房地产旗舰公司,在发展大型、多用途城市核心重建项目方面拥有卓越的成绩,在中国内地主要城市的中心地段拥有8个处于不同开发阶段的项目,土地储备达1,320 万平方米。在瑞安房地产,陈建邦先生管理公司“天地系列”大型综合性开发项目的可行性研究、总体规划及设计。   陈建邦先生在规划、设计及房地产开发方面拥有超过25 年的丰富经验,其中在中国拥有15年的相关经验,在他领导参与的 “上海新天地”开发项目于2003 年荣获城市土地学会(ULI)颁发的中国第一个全球卓越项目奖项。陈先生专注于公司新产品开发并领导公司可持续发展委员会。公司大部分在建社区均获得LEED-ND 金级预认证,发展项目中的46 个获得绿色认证、预认证或注册绿色认证。   在加入瑞安之前,陈建邦先生曾在纽约市设计与建设部和纽约的Cooper, Robertson + Partners任职。他在明尼苏达州大学获得建筑设计学士学位,在美国哥伦比亚大学及加州柏克莱大学分别获得城市设计硕士学位和建筑学硕士学位,在纽约大学商学院获得工商管理硕士学位。陈建邦先生不仅是美国纽约州的注册建筑师,并且担任城市土地学会ULI 卓越奖项评审委员会评审。他经常受邀作为演讲嘉宾参加各种房地产开发、设计和可持续发展会议。 Information : K. B. ALBERT CHAN—Director of Development Planning & Design, Shui On Land K. B. Albert Chan is the Director of Development Planning and Design at Shui On Land, the flagship property development company of the Shui On Group in the Chinese Mainland with long term track record in developing large-scale, mixed-use communities. Listed in Hong Kong and headquartered in Shanghai, the Company has eight projects in various stages of development in prime locations of major cities, with a land bank of 13.2 million sq.m.. At Shui On Land, Albert manages the conceptualization, site feasibility, masterplanning of “Tiandi” mixed-use communities, and design of large scaled mixed-use developments. Albert has more than 25 years of experience in planning, design and development, including 15 years in China. Among the many award winning large project plans led by him at Shui On Land, the Shanghai Xintiandi development became the first development in China to be honored with the ULI Award of Excellence, in 2003. He also focuses on new product development and chairs the Sustainable Development Committee at the company. The majority of Shui On communities under development are LEEDND Gold pre-certified, and 46 individual projects are either certified, pre-certified or registered for green building certification. Prior to joining Shui On, Albert worked at the New York City Department of Design and Construction and at Cooper, Robertson + Partners. His education includes B. Arch from U. Of Minnesota, M. Arch. from U.C. Berkeley, M.S. (urban design) from Columbia University, and MBA from New York University. Albert is a Registered Architect of New York State and a juror of the ULI Award of Excellence. He regularly gives talks at various conferences and schools on real estate development, design and sustainable developments.