讲座: Urbanism: The Prescriptive Remedy to Global Crisis

讲座题目Title: Urbanism: The Prescriptive Remedy to Global Crisis 

Time: 3:30-5:00pm, Oct. 25, 2013 

时间:2013年10月25日 下午3:30-5:00 

Place: C1 Meeting Room, CAUP

地点: 建筑城规学院C1会议室

Speaker : Dhiru A. Thadani 


讲座摘要Summary of Session: The principles and techniques of urban design embody solutions to partially solve crises such as the exploding global population, climate change, peak oil, public health, and adequate housing for burgeoning single households. This session will explore planning solutions that are needed to supplement high-capital technological solutions.

 主讲人简介Instructor Biographies: Dhiru A. Thadani迪鲁•A•塔塔尼先生 是一位资深的城市规划和设计专家,自1993年起成为Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU)创始会员之一。他的著作之一The Language of Towns and Cities: A Visual Dictionary已被翻译成中文《城和市的语言:城市规划图解辞典》并出版。 Dhiru A. Thadani is an architect and urbanist who has been in practice since 1978. He is the author of The Language of Towns and Cities: A Visual Dictionary, published by Rizzoli in 2010, and co-editor of Leon Krier: The Architecture of Community published by Island Press in 2009. Thadani’s latest endeavor, Visions of Seaside: Foundations / Evolution / Imagination / Built & Unbuilt Architecture, will be published by Rizzoli in the Summer of 2013. Since its formation in 1993, Thadani has been a charter member of the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU).