【3月28日 学术讲座】当代中国城市问题选讲系列讲座 第3讲

当代中国城市问题选讲系列讲座 第3讲

Lectures on Selected Contemporary China Urban Issues  The 3rd lecture


China's Urbanization and Development of Small Towns from 1949 to 2018

主讲人:张立 副教授

Lecturer: Associate Prof. Zhang Li


Time: 19: 00-20: 35, March 28th, 2018 


Venue: Hall D1, the 5th Floor, Building D, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University




Small Town is an important tache of China’ s fast urbanization. Since 1980s, one series of reforms for 

Hukou, planned economics, land system and governance, started in small towns, have launched China’s unprecedented fast urbanization process. However, small towns have declined since the end of 1990s. What is the main reason? how about the characteristic towns strategy process is? What is the future orientation and way for small downs development with the guiding of New-type Urbanization?  This lecture will lead you to analyze it from both the aspect of macro national policies and the aspect of micro rural dynamics.


      张立,副教授/国家注册规划师,中国城市规划学会小城镇规划学术委员会秘书长,上海市规划和国土资源管理局村镇发展处副处长(2015-2016挂职)。主持国家自然科学基金、韩国国家社科基金、国家住建部等多项国家课题,发表论文50余篇。2016年出版英文著作《Understanding Chinese Urbanization》,曾获得全国优秀博士论文提名奖、全国青年规划师论文竞赛一等奖、上海市十佳青年规划师称号,以及国家、上海市等省部级以上规划设计奖多项。

 课程主持:伍江 教授
 上课时间:每周三晚 19:00-20:35