Visit of Ambassador H.E. Peter Lizák to Tongji University
Release time:2023-03-23

On March 23rd, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic to the People's Republic of China and Acting Consul General Consulate General of the Slovak Republic in Shanghai led the visiting group to Tongji University. President Zheng Qinghua and vice president Lou Yongqi welcomed them at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP). On behalf of CAUP, dean Li Xiangning introduced the discipline development and the international cooperation situations, and shared the fruitful research outcomes of our professors's study of Hudec designed architecture buildings. Vice dean Wang Lan, director of architecture department Rossana Hu, executive vice-director of architecture department Wang Yi, head of international cooperation office Li Wei and program coordinator Liu Shuxin also attended the meeting.


Later on, Zheng Qinghua, vice president Lou Yongqi accompanied with the delegation to watch the movie  the man who changed shanghai at the bell hall with faculty members and students from different colleges of the university.