Tongji-Pavia Dual Degree Program held cooperation meeting in Italy
Release time:2023-04-17

The cooperation meeting of Tongji-Pavia Dual Degree Program was successfully held on 16 April 2023. Liu Kan, Associate Professor of College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji visited Professor Roberto De Lotto, the Dean of School of Architecture and Engineering of UNIPV, and Associate Professor Tiziano Cattaneo, the director of Dual Degree Program of School of Architecture and Engineering of UNIPV.


Roberto De Lotto, LIU Kan, Tiziano Cattaneo

The two parties reviewed together previous teaching and academic research achievements made by the project team during the last three years of online teaching collaboration. CAUP and the School of Architecture and Engineering of UNIPV completed the handover of the dual degree and diploma in Master of Architecture. Meanwhile the both parties also expressed their recognition of the full relaunch of the offline teaching and training mode of the dual degree and extended invitations to the upcoming Shanghai Summer School 2023, welcoming Italian students who completed their studies online during the epidemic to return to the Tongji campus this summer.


Professor CHEN Yi, the director the Tongji-Pavia Dual Degree Program, collaborated with UNIPV, publication: Design and History“Eating Together: Design and History”


Ph.D student thesis outcome