Dual Degree Program


Ruhr-Universität Bochum(RUB)-Tongji double degree program began in fall 2013. The program combined the teaching and research experiences of the Institute of Geography on landscape transformation in the former Ruhr industrial area and other metropolitan areas in Germany with the needs of contemporary urban transformation in China. The educational principle is based on the scientific and engineering comprehensiveness of the graduate program in the field of urban landscape evaluation and planning. In the curriculum both universities emphasize the mutual respective strengths of their staff, e.g. planning skills at Tongji University and landscape assessment and evaluation skills at RUB.

The first and second semesters of RUB students will be taught in Bochum, while the third and fourth semesters will be taught in Shanghai. The first, second, fifth and sixth semesters of Chinese students will be taught in Shanghai, while the third and fourth semesters will be taught in Bochum. This allows for a one-year stay abroad for each group of students. This model optimizes the benefits of joint learning and cultural exchange.

All Students graduating from this program will be granted a “Master in Science with Specialization in Transformation of Urban Landscape” from RUB, and a 'Master in Engineering with Specialization in Landscape Architecture' from Tongji.


Tongji: https://caup.tongji.edu.cn/caupen/

Bochum Ruhr: http://www.geos.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/

Contact information:


Program director: Prof. DONG Nannan, Email: dongnannan@tongji.edu.cn

Program coordinator: Dr. CHEN Zheng, Email: zhengchen@tongji.edu.cn

Bochum Ruhr:

Program director: Prof. Harald Zepp, Email: harald.zepp@rub.de

Program coordinator: Prof. Uta Hohn, Email: uta.hohn@rub.de