Dual Degree Program

Tongji University, Shanghai and Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden signed the agreement on carrying out the dual master’s degree program between two universities in October17, 2012. With the efforts from both sides, Tongji-Chalmers dual master’s degree program has already been carried out for two years. The aim of the dual master’s degree program is to realize a platform for an integrated, international academic program in architecture studies. 

Supported by Tongji-Chalmers program, students from Chalmers University of Technology will get experience of one of the most comprehensive architectural programs in China as well as one of the most economically dynamic regions now in the world. Conversely, students of Tongji University will have the chance to participate in design studios and other courses at Chalmers while enjoying the opportunity to familiarize themselves with Sweden and other Nordic countries as well as their unique architectural history and culture. Besides, teachers from both sides are exchanged between Tongji University and Chalmers University of Technology on a semester basis.

MP offered at Tongji: 085100 Architecture, 083300 Urban Planning. MP offered at Chalmers: Architecture and Urban Design, Design for Sustainable Development.

Each University will receive a maximum of two incoming students per year in total with the MPs listed above.

The program is a 2-year one (3 years for Tongji students). Tongji Students spend their first and second year in Shanghai and in Gothenburg respectively, and thereafter continue at Tongji for the third year. Chalmers students will have their first year in Gothenburg, and study in Shanghai for the 2nd year. All students will produce a final thesis in English that will be presented at the host university in accordance with local regulations. To qualify for the Tongji degree, Tongji students will write a full version of their thesis in Chinese. After having fulfilled all requirements at both universities, students participating the Tongji-Chalmers Dual Degree Program shall be awarded the Master’sDegree at both universities in separate diplomas - “Master of Architecture” of Tongji University and “Master of Science” of Chalmers University of Technology.


Contact information:


  • Program director:Prof. Wang Jun-Yang, Email:wangjunyang@tongji.edu.cn

  • Program coordinator:Li Yanbo, Email: liyanbo@tongji.edu.cn


  • Program director:Sten Gromark, Email: sten.gromark@chalmers.se

  • Admin coordinator: Anders Fredén, Email: anders.freden@chalmers.se