Dual Degree Program

Tongji University in Shanghai, China and Georgia Institute of Technology at Atlanta, USA signed the agreement on carrying out the dual degree program between two schools in May, 2012. With the efforts from both sides, Tongji-GT dual degree program has already been carried out for three years. The aim of the double degree program is to realize a platform for an integrated, international academic program in architecture and Urban Planning studies. 

The academy of architecture in Georgia Institute of Technology, the history of which can be traced back to 1908, enjoys a great reputation around the world. MSUD (Master of Science in Urban Design) program is a training project of Master's degree in architecture academy, focusing on cultivating and strengthening the students’ urban design skills, and requires students have the certain basis in this aspect. The ecological urban design lab cooperated by both Tongji and GT has been created to promote the communication between two schools.

The program is a 1-year system program. Students need to not only be selected and ranked by Tongji University, but also apply to the GT's website and get the offer letter as well. After successful completion of the program, the students receive the MSUD. Exchange quota which is two tentatively, depends on one-one base.


Tongji: https://caup.tongji.edu.cn/caupen/

GT: http://www.gatech.edu/

Contact information:


  • Program director: Prof. WANG Yi, Email: wangyicaup@tongji.edu.cn 

  • Program coordinator: Prof. YANG Chunxia, Email:yang_arch@163.com 


  • Program director: Ellen Dunham-Jones, Email: ellen.dunham-jones@design.gatech.edu

  • Admin coordinator: Margaret J Sonstroem, Email: meg.sonstroem@oie.gatech.edu