Dual Degree Program


Tongji University and Technical University of Berlin signed the agreement on carrying out the Dual Master Degree Program in Urban Design on March 4, 2006. It has led to a deepening of academic relationship between two partner universities and initiated numerous exchange activities and research projects on various levels even beyond the Dual Degree Program. 

On April 29, 2011, both universities signed agreement on the continuation of academic cooperation. With the efforts from both sides, Tongji-TU Berlin Dual Degree Program has already been carried out for 9 years. To celebrate the 5th year anniversary on November 29, 2011, Bridging Urbanities – Reflections on Urban Design in Shanghai and Berlin, collected papers of this program were published in Germany. 

It is recognized that the Dual Master Degree Program in Urban Design has become a reference for similar programs with other universities worldwide and contributed to the international reputation of both universities. Supported by this program, students are exposed to different cultures, and enjoy the opportunities to participate the academic researches and projects in both countries. 

The program is a 2-3 years system program which allows for a one year stay abroad for each group of students. After successful achievement of the complete program at both universities, graduates will be awarded Master of Architecture from Tongji Universities and Master of Science in Urban Design from TU Berlin.


-- Tongji: https://caup.tongji.edu.cn/caupen/

-- TU Berlin: http://habitat-unit.de/

Contact information:

-- Tongji:

Program director: Prof. LIU Kan, Email: liukan@tongji.edu.cn

Program coordinator: TBC

-- TU Berlin:

Program director: Prof. Angela Million, Email: million@tu-berlin.de 

Program coordinator: Dr.Andreas Brueck, Email: andreas.brueck@tu-berlin.de