
HAN Feng



Editor boardmember of Journal of Chinese Landscape Architecture


  • Ph.D., Queensland University of Technology, Australia

  • MLA, BLA, Tongji University

Research Interests

  • Environmental philosophy and cultural landscape theories. Theory and practice of Scenic Area Planning (Localization of international theory and modernization of traditional culture). Evaluation, Conservation and Development of World Heritage Cultural landscapes. World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism. Historic Urban Landscape.

Current Positions

  • Prof. and Ph.D. Candidate Supervisor, Director of Department of Landscape Architecture, Collegeof Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP), Tongji University

  • Vice President, ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes (ISCCLs)

  • Expert Member, World Commission of Protected Area (WCPA) of IUCN

  • Member of Advisory Board of Journal of Management and Sustainable Development of Cultural Heritage

  • Member of World Heritage Expert Committee of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction (MHRUC) of the People's Republic of China

  • Member of Leisure Agriculture Expert Committee of Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China


  • Principles of Landscape Planning and Design (National Excellent Course)

  • Planning Theory of Scenic and Interest Areas (university-level qualified bilingual course)

  • Heritage Conservation and Development (Shanghai brand bilingual course for overseasstudents)

  • Environmental Ethics

  • Heritage Landscape