Urban Planning


Associate Professor



Research Profile

· Urbanization & Urban system

· Geographical Information Systems & CAD in urban planning

· Urban Regeneration & Community Planning

· Smart & Low-carbon Communities


· Ph.D. Urban Planning, Tongji University, China

· M.S. Urban Planning, Tongji University, China

· B.S. Landscape Architecture, Tongji University, China



· Year 2 or 3/Spring/Undergraduate/Computer Aided Design

· Year 3/Fall/Undergraduate/Practice of Residential Area Planning

· Year 5/Fall/Undergraduate/Practice of Regulatory Planning

Research & Education Awards

· Pastoral Ideal and Urban-Rural Collage: Peri-urban area from a Post-Truth Perspective, Jin Jingchang China Urban Planning Outstanding Paper Nomination Award, 2022.

· Campus micro-update design under the scenario of ubiquitous learning + AI-assisted teaching, National College Urban and Rural Planning Education Research Paper, Outstanding Teaching and Research Paper Award, 2019.

· The 4th Tongji University Feng Jizhong Education Fund Annual Teaching Award, 2017.

· Outstanding educator at Tongji University, 2017.

· 2nd Prize of Han Guolong Award Teaching Fund, 2016.

· 2nd Prize in the Young Teacher Lecture Competition of Tongji University College of Architecture and Urban Planning, 2011.


Planning Practice Awards

· Pang Lei (1/5); Dongying Xianhe Town Master Plan (2015-2030), 2017 Shandong Province Excellent Urban and Rural Planning and Design 3rd Prize, Shandong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, 2018

· Pang Lei (2/2); Urban Design of Qinglong Residential Area in Changzhou City, 2nd prize in international competition, Changzhou Municipal People's Government, 2003.

· Pang Lei (2/2); Urban Design of Beigang Residential Area in Changzhou City, 3rd prize in international competition, Changzhou Municipal People's Government, 2003.

· Pang Lei (3/7); Detailed plan for the reconstruction of the old city along the Beigang River in Tongxiang City, 3rd prize for outstanding planning and design from the Ministry of Construction, People's Republic of China, 2003



· Pang Lei, Xiao Yang. Smart community planning and governance practice and several implications based on the dual orientation of value and instrumental rationality [J]. Residential Technology, 2022, 42(12): 30-36.

· Zhang Li, Bai Yuxin, Pang Lei (corresponding author). Research review and prospects on the development and planning of small towns in China since 2000 [J]. Urban and Rural Planning, 2022(01):61-85.

· Lu Xigang, Pang Lei (corresponding author). Pastoral ideal and urban-rural collage: Peri-urban area from the perspective of post-truth [J]. Urban Development Research, 2021, 28(12):19-26.

· Song Xiaodong, Zhang Zhujun, Pang Lei, Qi Wenfei. The hypothesis that roads can be continuous and straight and suitable for urban public transportation and its verification in Jinan [J]. Urban Planning Forum, 2021(06):86-91.

· Lu Xigang, Wang De, Pang Lei (corresponding author). Preliminary exploration of spatial patterns in peri-urban areas: a case study of Jiading District, Shanghai based on the “Sixth Census” data [J]. Urban Planning Forum, 2020(06):72-78.

· Liu Xiao, Zhu Yi, Tao Peihong, Liu Yuli, Shi Hanfeng, Zhang Shangwu, Gao Xiaoyu, Luo Zhifeng, Pang Lei. Research on rural planning in the era of interactive media - taking the planning practice of Pu'ao Village in Hunan Province as an example [C]//. Sustainable development of rationality Planning - Proceedings of the 2017 China Urban Planning Annual Conference (18 Rural Planning)., 2017: 118-129.

· Wang Jieqiong, Qiu Ming, Cheng Shuiping, Pang Lei (corresponding author). Spatial form synergy mechanism based on the comprehensive effectiveness of water ecosystem services - taking the water-sensitive countryside of Sheng Si Tian Ao as an example [J]. Landscape Architecture, 2017(01) :82-90.

· Pang Lei, Song Xiaodong. Exploration of experimental calculation-type Calibration Methods for Residential Area FAR Indicators [J]. Shanghai Urban Planning, 2013(04):98-102.

· Yang Guiqing, Huang Huang, Song Daijun, Pang Lei. Research progress and thinking on evaluation indicators and methods for intensive layout of rural residential areas in China [J]. Shanghai Urban Planning, 2010(06):18-21.

· Song Xiaodong, Pang Lei, Sun Chengyu. Re-exploration of the estimation method of FAR for residential area [J]. Urban Planning Forum, 2010(02):57-63.

· Pang Lei, Yang Guiqing. c+A+d: Exploration on the teaching of urban planning computer-aided design courses [J]. Urban Planning, 2010(09):0-32.

· Yang Guiqing, Pang Lei, Song Daijun, Chen Jingjing. Research on the zoning genealogy of spatial sample types in rural residential areas in China [J]. Urban Planning Forum, 2010(01):78-84.

· Wu Zhiqiang, Xu Jihuan, Gan Jing, Pang Lei. Research on temperature control and cooling technology in the Expo park based on outdoor thermal comfort [C]//. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Intelligent, Green Buildings and Building Energy Saving—C Green Building Ecological Special Technology .,2008:85-91.

· Pang Lei, Niu Xinyi, Luo Tianqing, Song Xiaodong. Computer-aided design in urban planning [M]. Beijing: China Construction Industry Press, 2007.

· Pang Lei, Song Xiaodong. Diversity and Integration - Teaching Experience of Computer-Aided Design in Urban Planning [C]//. Proceedings of the 2007 National Seminar on Architectural Digital Technology Teaching in Architecture Departments of Universities and Colleges., 2007: 26- 31.

· Wu Zhiqiang, Gan Jing, Pang Lei. Research on temperature control and cooling technology of outdoor space in the Expo park based on environmental simulation evaluation [C]//. Proceedings of the Seventh National Academic Symposium on Modern Structural Engineering., 2007: 37-43.

· Pang Lei, Shen Qingji. Pluralism and diversity—A Review of Papers from the Second World Congress of Planning Schools [J]. Urban Planning Forum, 2006(06):24-35.

· Chen Bingzhao, Pang Lei. From simple total population analysis to comprehensive quality analysis - taking the population analysis of Yantai urban master plan as an example [J]. Planner, 2006(11):88-90.

· Yang Guiqing, Gu Jianbo, Pang Lei, Steven V. Dessel. Community unit concept and its planning practice - taking the planning of Donghu District, Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province as an example [J]. Urban Planning, 2006(08):87-92.