
Plácido González Martínez


Distinguished Professor of Shanghai Universities (Eastern Scholar)

Research Fields

  • Built Heritage Conservation

  • Modern Architecture and Urbanism

  • Colonial Architecture and Urbanism

Research Positions

  • 2020-2022. Built heritage conservation in Shanghai. Funded by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.

  • 2008-2018. Iberian DOCOMOMO Registers. Funded by the by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Andalusia, Spain.

  • 2013-2014. Documentation of Architectural Heritage of the University of Seville. Funded by the University of Seville, Spain.

  • 2012-2015. Architecture and Urbanism in Former Spanish Colonies in Africa. The Development of a Modern Habitat: a Postcolonial Definition. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy.

  • 2006-2009. Register of 20th Century Heritage in Andalusia. Funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Andalusia, Spain.

Grants and Awards

  • 2020-2022: Eastern Scholarship, awarded by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.

  • 2019: HISPANEX Grant for the International Dissemination of Spanish Culture. Awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sports.

  • 2018: 1st Prize of Research, 14th Spanish Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, for the book A la luz de Hilberseimer. La génesis y el legado de The New City, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works and the Spanish Council of Architects.

  • 2017: HISPANEX Grant for the International Dissemination of Spanish Culture, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sports.

  • 2012: Best Thesis of the Year 2010, awarded by the University of Seville.

Current Courses

  • Heritage Management and Legislation

  • Built Heritage Conservation Design Studio

  • Adaptive Reuse of High-rise Architecture Design Studio


Prof. González Martínez has authored more than 90 publications, including books, book chapters, articles and book reviews; among which are:

Peer-reviewed articles:

  1. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido. 2020. “Curating the selective memory of gentrification: The Wulixiang Shikumen Museum in Xintiandi, Shanghai”. International Journal of Heritage Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13527258.2020.1821237

  2. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido. 2019. “From Verifiable Authenticity to Verisimilar Interventions: Xintiandi, Fuxing SOHO, and the Alternatives to Built Heritage Conservation in Shanghai”. International Journal of Heritage Studies 25 (10): 1075-1092. DOI: 10.1080/13527258.2018.1557235

  3. REY PÉREZ, Julia, and Plácido GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ. 2018. “Lights and shadows over the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape: Managing change in Ballarat and Cuenca through a radical approach focused on values and authenticity”. International Journal of Heritage Studies 24 (1): 101-116. DOI: 10.1080/13527258.2017.1362572

  4. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido. 2017. “Urban authenticity at stake: a new framework for its definition from the heritage perspective at the Shanghai Music Valley”. Cities 70: 55-64. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2017.06.017

  5. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido. 2016. ‘Authenticity as a challenge in the transformation of Beijing's urban heritage: the commercial gentrification of the Guozijian historic area’, Cities 59, pp. 48–56. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2016.05.026


  1. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido. 2016. A la luz de Hilberseimer: La génesis y el legado de The New City. Seville: Vibok Works (in Spanish)

  2. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido. 2015. In Light of Hilberseimer: The Genesis and Legacy of The New City. Seville: Vibok Works.

  3. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido (ed.) 2014. Fábricas de conocimiento. El patrimonio construido de la Universidad de Sevilla. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla. (in Spanish)

  4. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido. (ed.) 2012. 100 años de arquitectura en Andalucía. Sevilla: Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico. (in Spanish)

  5. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido; GARCIA VAZQUEZ, Carlos. 2006. Glossary of urban attributes / Glosario de atributos urbanos. Sevilla: Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo.

Book Chapters:

  1. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido. 2021. ‘Urban heritage renovation and commodification in Beijing and Shanghai: towards a new authenticity for Guozijian and Hongkou Creek’, in WANG, Yiwen; LUDWIG, Carol; WALTON, Linda (eds.). The Heritage Turn in China: (Re)Invention, Dissemination and Consumption of Heritage. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press (in press)

  2. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido; PÉREZ ESCOLANO, Víctor. 2019. ‘20th Century Heritage in Spain: Recovery and Intervention’, in REICHLIN, Bruno; GRIGNOLO, Roberta (eds.), Conservation, restoration and reuse of 20th century heritage. A historical-critical encyclopaedia, Vol. I – History and Theory. Basel: Colmena Verlag.

  3. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido. 2019. “Ser modernos y parecerlo. Una reflexión sobre la patrimonialización de la arquitectura y el urbanismo del siglo XX’, in GÓMEZ VILLA, J.L. (ed.) Re-Habitar: Technological Update of Contemporary Heritage: Mass Housing of the Modern Movement, 44-63.Sevilla: Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Historico (in Spanish)

  4. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido. 2019. “¿La letra, con sangre entra? Los retos de la apropiación del movimiento moderno en España”, in GARCÍA BRAÑA, Celestino et al. (eds.). Arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno en España. Revisión del Registro DOCOMOMO Ibérico, 1925-1965, 234-246.Barcelona: Fundación Docomomo Ibérico (in Spanish)

  5. CARRASCAL, María.; GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Plácido; MEMBA-IKUGA, Laida; MUCHADA, Alejandro; RABASCO, Pablo; SENDRA, Pablo. 2015. ‘Crossed colonization. Housing development in urban peripheries. The Hispanic-African colonial territories (1912-1976-2013)’, in NUNES, Carlos (ed.). Urban Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa. Colonial and Post-colonial Planning Cultures. Oxford: Routledge, 2015, pp.180-200. ISBN 9780415632294

Published design work:

  1. ‘Flora Tristán Residence Refurbishment / José Luis Sainz-Pardo + Plácido González + Miguel Ángel Chaves’ 23 Feb 2015. ArchDaily.

  2. ‘Flora Tristán University dorm’, in 37º23’N 5º59’W. Sevilla Contemporánea Arquitectura 2000-2010 / Seville Contemporary Architecture Guide 2000-2010. Seville: Áccesit; Lugadero; Pipo, 2011, p.163. ISBN: 9788493917500

  3. ‘Izola, Slovenia’, in VLAY, B., RAJAKOVIC, P., STUDEN, M. (Eds.). European Urbanity. Europan 7 and 8. Austria and Slovenia. Wien: Springer Verlag, 2007, pp.160-165. ISBN: 978-3-21147605-5

  4. ‘Suburban challenge. Urban Intensity and Housing Diversity’, in MONACO, A. (Ed.) Organico / razionale. Nuovi Paesaggi. Roma: Gangemi Editore, 2007, p.48. ISBN: 978-88-492-1315-7

  5. ‘K31 – Museum Tadeusz Kantor’, Architecture Art of the Future. MBA International Biennale of Architecture. Kraków: Stowarzyszenie Architektow + Polkich, 2004, p.31.