
Li Yingchun

Associate Professor

Room 502, Building C, College of Architecture and Urban Planning

Research Fields

  • Modern Chinese architectural and planning history, Architectural history and theory in the non-Western societies, Housing and daily life

Research Profile

  • Li Yingchun has been an assistant professor in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University since 2014. She received the Bachelor and Master degrees of Architecture from Tongji University and a Ph.D. from the University of Hong Kong. Her research and teaching include topics in the early modern and contemporary architectural and urban heritage in China, being particularly interested in the change of built environment and people’s daily life in 19th-and-20th-century China. Her articles and essays have been published internationally, including the Journal of Architecture, the Journal of HKIA, Time+Architecture, Architects, among others.

Grants and Awards

  • Shanghai Pujiang Scholarship 2015

Current Courses

  • History of Art, Year 1 B.Arch, Fall semester, compulsory course for Tongji-UNSW Dual-Degree Program

  • Architectural History: China & Asia, Year 1 B.Arch, Spring semester, compulsory course for Tongji-UNSW Dual-Degree Program


Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

  1. Li, Yingchun. "Chinese Modern Architecture in the English-Speaking Academic World (中国近代建筑史英文研究综述)." In History of Chinese Architecture in the Early Modern Times (中国近代建筑史), edited by Delin Lai, Jiang Wu and Subin Xu, 435-49. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2016.

  2. Li, Yingchun, and Weijen Wang. "Shaping the Bund: Public Spaces and Planning Process in the Shanghai International Settlement, 1843-1943." In Urban Transformation: Controversiesm, Contrasts and Challenges edited by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy. 335-46. Istanbul: Urban and Environment Planning and Research Center, ITU, 2010.

  3. Li, Yingchun. "The British Neo-Classical Architecture in Shanghai: A Case Study of the Carlowitz Company Building." (上海外滩地区英式新古典建筑溯源) In Focus on the Bund (聚焦外滩), edited by Chang Qing. 127-61. Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2009.

Journal/Magazine Papers

  1. Cai, Yongjie, Yingchun Li, and Jingmin Zhou. "Constructing a Doctoral Curriculum for Trans-Disciplinary Academic Trainings: Based on a Case Study of Five Leading Architectural/Engineering Schools." (突出研究方法训练的建筑学博士课程改革探索) Architects, no. 4 (2016): 34-42.

  2. Li, Yingchun. "Renovating Laobaidu Wharf Coal Warehouse: A Temporary Construction between Visionary Architecture and Built Form." (老白渡码头煤仓改造) Time+Architecture, no. 2 (2016): 78-85.

  3. Li, Yingchun. "A Parallel Academic World of the Research on Chinese Modern Architecture: Non-Western Modern Architecture in the Western Scholarship." (“西方”的“非西方”现当代建筑研究) Time+Architecture, no. 1 (2016): 32-36.

  4. Xue, Qiuli, and Yingchun Li. "Importing American Architecture to China: The Practice of John Portman & Associate in Shanghai." The Journal of Architecture 13 no. 3 (2008): 317-33.

Book Review

  1. Li, Yingchun. "Retaining the Whole Picture of Modernist Architecture." (评卢端芳《第三世界的现代主义建筑》) Time+Architecture, no. 6 (2013): 146-47.

  2. Li, Yingchun. "Review of World Architecture in China by Charlie Qiuli Xue." HKIA Journal 60, no. 1 (2011): 102.

  3. Li, Yingchun. "From ‘Refabricating City’ to Refabricating City: A Reflection." (评王维仁《思考:再织城市》)Time + Architecture, no. 2 (2011): 163.

  4. Li, Yingchun. "Review of The Condition of Post-Modernity by David Harvey"(评大卫·哈维《后现代性的条件》). Time + Architecture, no. 3 (2008): 156.

  5. Li, Yingchun. "Review of The Global Impact: Overseas Architectural Design in China by Charlie Qiuli Xue". HKIA Journal, no. 3 (2007): 95.