
Yongjie CAI


CAUP, Tongji Univ.

Research Fields

  • Urban Design, Public Space, Architectural Design

Research Profile

  • Morphology of Urban Space

  • Behavior Study in Public Space

  • Urban Sociology

  • Urban Design and Architectural Design

  • Traditional Urban Space

  • Regional characteristics of Urban Space

  • Urban Renew

Grants and Awards

  • “Establishing the cultivating system of human quality in architectural education”, Teaching achievement awards of Shanghai, 2nd Prize, 2005

  • “Construction standard of the public space along Huangpu River” Making police awards of Shanghai, 2nd Prize, 2008

  • “Block one in Dujiangyan”, Excellent residential area design award of shanghai, 1st Prize, 2010; 4 excellences design project of Sichuan province, 2nd Prize, 2010

  • “Comprehensive cultivating system through international cooperation based on double degree program”, Teaching achievement awards of Shanghai, 2nd Prize, 2013

  • “The earthquake memorial ” , Excellent Design of Shanghai Academe of Architecture 2013

  • “Museum and square of water culture in Dujiangyan”, Good Design of Shanghai Academe of Architecture 2013

  • “Experiment School of Qingdao”, Excellent project of ministry of education, 3rd Prize 2013

Current Courses

  • Design Studio (Bachelor Program)

  • Principle of Architectural Design (Lecture, Master Program)

  • Architectural Frontier(Lecture, Participation, Master and Phd Program)

  • Topic Selection and Theses Writing(Seminar, Participation, Master Program)

  • Comparison of Chinese and German Architecture(Seminar, Participation, Master Program)


  • Analysis on Chineseness of Chinese Urban Square. Urban Design I, 2014/12

  • Between Learning and Relaxing:Courtyard Oriented Concept for Qingdao No.2 Experimental High School. Times & Architecture, 2013/5

  • Memory in the Crack: Architectural design of Beichuan Earthquake Memorial. Times & Architecture, 2011/12

  • Regional Characteristics in an Era of Modernization, Internationalization Commercialization: Unconscious construction of contemporary public urban space in Shanghai. Times & Architecture, 2009/6

  • Impulse and Crisis of Contemporary Chinese Urban Square: A Sociological View. Ideal Space, 2009/10

  • Between “View” and “Cityscape”: Thinking about Spatial Pattern for Waterfront Living and Three Experiments. Architectural Journal, 2008/4

  • Qualification of Space and Space of Power: Sociological Observation to the Historical Development of European Urban Square. Architectural Journal, 2006/6

  • Master·Apprentice·Architect ? Thinking about Contemporary Chinese Education of Architecture. Times & Architecture, 2005/3

  • City-formed university: An introduction to an Exploration on Campus Form in a Concept Planning of Sichuan Institute of Technology. Architects, 2004/2

  • Sociology Connotation of Traditional European Urban Square: Two different Spatial Forms. Times & Architecture, 2002/4


  • Urban Square: History,Motive Power and Spatial Quality. Nanjing: South Eastern University Press, 2006