Visiting Professor

Kerstin Puller


Danneckerstr. 31  70182 Stuttgart  Germany


  • 10/2000-03/2002, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Civil Engineering: Undergraduate studies

  • 03/2002, Intermediate Diploma, Grade: „very good“

03/2002-11/2005, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Civil Engineering: Core studies

  • Core areas: concrete and steel structures, structural analysis

  • Research project:  „Exercises in Nonlinear Structural Analysis”

  • Research project:  „Retrofit of Steel Moment-Resisting Frame with Metallic Yielding Devices and Viscous Fluid Devices“

  • Diploma thesis: „Nonlinear Analysis of a High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Subjected to Seismic Excitations“

  • Overall Grade: „with distinction“

  • 08/2004-05/2005 , University of California, Berkeley, USA; Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials (SEMM) Program of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master of Science; MSc; Grade Point Average (GPA) = 4.0 / 4.0

Professional Experience

  • 09/2000, Construction Site Intern: Friedrich Preuße Bauunternehmung GmbH

  • 03/2001, Construction Site Intern: Bilfinger & Berger Bauaktiengesellschaft

  • 07/2002, Construction Site Intern: Oevermann GmbH & Co. KG

  • 04/2002-07/2003, Teaching Assistant: Institute for Computational Modeling in Civil Engineering, Technical University of Braunschweig

  • 10/2002-02/2004, Teaching Assistant: Institute for Applied Mechanics, Technical University of Braunschweig

  • 06/2005-08/2005, Graduate Student Researcher: Pacific Earthquake Engineering Center, University of California, Berkeley, USA

  • 01/2006-05/2006, Project Engineer: Werner Sobek Ingenieure, Stuttgart

  • since 06/2006,Teaching and Research Assistant: ILEK (Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design), University of Stuttgart

  • 08/2008-05/2009 Guest Lecturer at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago,USA

  • since 08/2009, Adjunct Associate Professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA


  • 2006, Adhesive Glass-Steel Joints: Evaluation of the Load Bearing Capacity of Unweathered and Weathered Joints

  • 2007, Evaluation of the Tensile Strength of Membranes Subject to Cyclic Folding

  • 2008-2011, A High Performance, Minimal-material and Material-appropriate Connection Technique in Structural Glass

Teaching Experience

Spring 2006

at the ILEK:

Design Studio: Lunar Habitat

Lecture assistant: Tensile and Highrise Structures

Fall 06/07

at the ILEK:

Design Studio: habitat 1+

Lecture assistant: Lightweight Structures

Lecture assistant: Structural Design

Spring 07

at the ILEK:

Design Studio: million house

Design Studio for Civil Engineering students

Teaching assistant: Structural Design

Fall 07/08at the ILEK:

Design Studio: The Devil wears …

Material Studio: Frame Skin

Lecture assistant: Lightweight Structures

Lecture and Teaching assistant: Structural Design

Spring 08at the ILEK:

Design Studio: woven space

Material Studio: Glass Studio

Lecture assistant: Glass Structures

Fall 08/09at the ILEK:

Material Studio: Ultra-High-Performance Concrete

Lecture and Teaching assistant: Structural Design

Diploma Adviser: High-Rise St. Petersburg; Mobile exposition


at the IIT:

Design Studio: High-Tech High-Eco

Spring 09at the ILEK:

Material Studio: Textiles

Lecture assistant: Glass Structures

Diploma Adviser: Urban Scion

at the IIT:

Design Studio: Crossfield

Fall 09/10at the ILEK:

Material Studio: Glass Studio

at the IIT:

Design Studio: Tanztheater

Spring 10at the ILEK:

Material Studio: Textiles

Diploma Adviser: Stadium Antwerpen

at the IIT:

Design Studio: Bright Green Expo Chicago

Fall 10at the ILEK:

Material Studio: kinematic textiles

Diploma Adviser: Interfacultative communication, Mumbai H2O

at the IIT:

Design Studio: Time Stream

Spring 11at the IIT:

Design Studio: Collection Case

Publications and Lectures

  • [1] Puller, K.; Denonville, J.; Sobek, W.: An Innovative Glass Connection Technique Using anIonomer Interlayer, will be presented at Glass Performance Days, Tampere, Finland, 2011.

  • [2] Puller, K. et al.: Rethinking Glass – New Design Possibilities through Experiments, will be presented at Glass Performance Days, Tampere, Finland, 2011.

  • [3] Sobek, W.; Blandini, L.; Puller, K.: Glass skins - Recent works and research, will be presented at Glass Performance Days, Tampere, Finland, 2011.

  • [4] Puller, K.; Sobek, W.: Building Skins - Visions for the Future, Conference Paper, Façade2010 - Conference on Building Envelopes, refurbishment. hightech - lowtech., Lucerne, Switzerland, November 2010, pp. 46-53.

  • [5] Puller, K. et al.: New Glass Design Approaches Developed During an Experimental StudentWorkshop, Conference Paper, Challenging Glass 2, Conference on Architectural andStructural Applications of Glass, Bos, F. (Eds.); Louter, C. (Eds.); Veer, F. (Eds.), Delft, Netherlands, May 2010, pp. 597-600.

  • [6] Puller, K. et al.: Glass Studio, Conference Paper, Evolution and Trends in Design, Analysis and Construction of Shell and Spatial Structures, Domingo, A. (Eds.); Lázaro, C. (Eds.), Valencia, September 2009, pp. 222-223.

  • [7] Puller, K.; Denonville, J.; Bergmann, C.: The Mechanical Properties of a Laminated GlassInterlayer Material, presented at Glass Performance Days, Tampere, Finland, 2009.

  • [8] Puller, K.: Textile Architecture, Lecture, Crown Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA, April 2009.

  • [9] Puller, K.: Form-finding, Lecture, Crown Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA, March 2009.

  • [10] Puller, K.: Hochleistungsfähige, materialminimale Verbindungstechnik im Glasbau, Lecture, Bau 2009 - Forum 'Zukunft Bau', Munich, Germany, January 2009.

  • [11] Puller, K.: Filigran und tragfähig, Glaswelt, December 2009, 12, pp. 38-39.

  • [12] Heinz, P.F., Puller, K., Frettlöhr, B.: “Glass Studio”, workshop reader, Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design (ILEK), University of Stuttgart, December 2008

  • [13] Puller, K.; Sobek, W.: Glass-Steel Connections Using Acrylate Adhesives, Conference Paper, Challenging Glass, Conference on Architectural and Structural Applications of Glass, Bos, F. (Eds.); Louter, C. (Eds.); Veer, F. (Eds.), Delft: IOS Press, May 2008, pp. 273-278.

  • [14] Puller, K.: Leichtes und ephemeres Bauen - Von der Kunst des Leichtbaus und neuenGestaltungsperspektiven jenseits gespannter Membrandächer, Lecture, Bauhütte Vortrag,FH Würzburg-Schweinfurt, April 2008.

  • [15] Schmidt, T.; Puller, K.; Sobek, W.: Lightweight structures - Leichtbaustrategien für dasBauen im Bestand, Metamorphose - Bauen im Bestand, 1 (2007), 6, pp. 56-59.

  • Young Women in Public Affairs Award; Zonta Club Salzgitter

  • e-fellows Scholarship

  • Award of the Technical University of Braunschweig for

  • Outstanding Acadamic Performance

  • Fulbright Scholarship UC Berkeley, USA

  • Award of the Duddeck-Foundation in Recognition for Outstanding

  • Academic Performance in the Field of Structural Engineering