Cristina Iamandi
Profession: Cultural Heritage Conservation and Management Expert,
Senior Partner of IN SITU Design, s.r.l.
Dr. Iamandi is a Senior Partner with IN SITU Design, s.r.l., a design andconsulting firm specializing in historic preservation. The firm,established in March 2005, is offering professional services related tohistoric and cultural resources, including documentation, historicalresearch, urban studies, surveys, evaluation, conservation training andconservation management planning.
Dr. Iamandi is a licensed Architect and Urban Planner with 30 years ofexperience. After qualifying as an architect and urban planner from theUniversity Bucharest (1981) and specializing in Population andDevelopment (1984) from UN’s Demographic Centre, Cristina workedfor ten years as an architect in Romania, on diverse public and privateprojects. Before starting her PhD research in urban conservation at theUniversity of Montreal, she earned a Master’s degree in Architecturefrom Laval University in Québec (1993) and followed the ICCROMCourse in Architectural Conservation in Rome (1994). In Paris, France,she obtained the French specializing title of Conservation Architectfrom the Ecole des Hautes Etudes de Chaillot (2003).
Since 2000, Dr. Iamandi’s work has been focused on historic cities andprogrammes that integrate their cultural heritage values with agendasfor sustainable development. Her technical consultancy assignmentswithin developing and developed countries, with national andinternational organizations such as UNESCO, UNDP, World Bank’sSocial Fund for Development, GTZ, included:
Conservation/rehabilitation/renovation of historic buildings and areas;Urban conservation planning and management includingdocumentation, analysis, condition assessment, value assessment,inventory, establishing conservation policies, strategies and actions,identifying special projects and programmes for sensitive and priorityareas;
Implementing rehabilitation/revitalization programmes for sensitive andpriority areas;
Providing advice on development and design of heritage sensitive sites;
Providing strategic advice on conservation planning and managementof World Heritage Sites;
Preparing/reviewing conservation and management plans for listedbuildings and protected areas in line with the latest internationalconservation approaches, while ensuring their integration within thewider regional planning framework;
Designing, organizing and delivering training and capacity buildingstrategies, programmes and workshops in the field of cultural heritageconservation for local and national planning authorities andgovernment officials, including analysis of training needs and goals;development of a delivery system; development of instructionalmaterials and activities.
Her experience includes also teaching and/or research in the field ofcultural heritage conservation and management with Laval University,University of Montréal, Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Institutde Recherche en Histoire de I’Architecture (IRHA-Montréal), DelftUniversity of Technology, the Getty Conservation Institute, Los AngelesConservancy, Society of Architectural Historians.