‘The residential buildings at the grocery market’ exhibition by the ‘Innovative talents experimental class’ of 2012
Release time:2016-07-12

The ‘Innovative talents experimental class’ of 2012 finished their architecture design class of the third grade first semester. Their work ‘The residential buildings at the grocery market’ is exhibited from 24th Dec to 7th Jan at the basement of building C.

The experimental class is set for CAUP undergraduate students to study cross major. The class of 2012 was made of 21 undergraduate students from Architecture, Urban planning, Landscape, Interior design and Historic Architecture Conservation. The class started from their second semester of the second grade and ended when the first semester of forth grade finished, at which they studied the courses from different major. After the class, they all back to their own major.

This exhibition is the display of their third grade first semester’s architecture design class work. The exhibition name is: The residential buildings at the grocery market. The design period is 15 weeks, and the area is 4000 square meter.

