【Lecture 13.06.2022】 Creative AI in Architecture: How AI is shaping the Future of Design
Release time:2022-06-13

Can AI-driven processes augment creative agency? Can AI be used to expand the design search space beyond designer’s accepted boundaries? The application of creative AI to architectural design is a relatively new field, but one that is rapidly gaining popularity. AI-driven processes have the potential to augment creative agency, expanding the design search space beyond designer’s accepted boundaries. This lecture will focus on the most recent methods in Creative AI applied to architectural design in order to help architects push the boundaries of the design space.


Daniel Bolojan 


Daniel Bolojan is an Assistant Professor of AI and Computational Design at Florida Atlantic University, School of Architecture and a Ph.D. candidate at Die Angewandte, Vienna. His current research focuses on the development and application of deep learning methodologies in architectural design, addressing topics of shared-agency, augmentation of design processes, designer’s creativity and augmenting design potency. His research interests have centered on aspects of intelligence, self-organization, and Creative AI, with the goal of developing autopoietic systems that open new opportunities for architectural organization, articulation, and signification. Upon joining Coop Himmelb(l)au as a Computational Design Specialist in 2014, he started developing the DeepHimmelblau Neural Network, the award winning AI-based project that won both a DigitalFUTURES award and an ACADIA award in 2021, with the aim of augmenting design processes and designers’ native abilities.