【Lecture 27.02.2023】 Roots of Modern Architecture: five points and four compositions
Release time:2023-02-27

A lecture series in History of Western Architecture

Roots of Modern Architecture: 

five points and four compositions

Professor Carlos Eduardo Comas

 Carlos Eduardo Comas studied architecture in Porto Alegre (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania) and Paris (Université de Paris- VIII). He is Professor Emeritus at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, a member of the permanent faculty of its Graduate Program in Architecture, editor of the Program's journal ARQTEXTO and a councillor of IPHAN- Instituto do Patrimônio Artístico e Histórico Nacional. A former president of DOCOMOMO Brazil, as well as of ANPARQ- Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Arquitetura, he was a guest curator of the MoMA New York exhibition 2015 Latin America in construction: architecture, 1955-80. Besides some architectural practices, he has written and lectured extensively on Modern Architecture and Urbanism both in his native country and abroad, editing and contributing to several books, catalogs, and journals.



1. Introduction and the Pilotis Idea

2. Freedom: Plan and Façade

3. Elements: the Horizontal Window and the Roof Terrace

4. The Dom-ino Game and the Four Compositions

5. Southern Readings: Lucio Costa on modern architecture


Moderator: Professor Lu Yongyi


Time: (UTC+8) 13:30-15:10 Monday


Venue: D1, 5th floor, Building D  , CAUP Tongji University