【Lecture 12.05.2023】 Polyhedral Graphic Statics
Release time:2023-05-12

Polyhedral Graphic Statics

This lecture is divided into two parts.

Lecture 01: Introduction to Polyhedral Graphic Statics, the topological relationship between the form and force diagrams, and iterative methods of form finding in 3D

Workshop on PolyFrame 2, the grasshopper plugin Polyhedral Graphic Statics in Rhino

Lecture 02:Introduction to Algebraic formulation for reciprocal polyhedral construction and the application in form finding of structures with both tension and compression members 

Workshop on PolyFrame 2, exploring the constrained form finding using the algebraic formulation 

Masoud Akbarzadeh

University of Pennsylvania

Masoud Akbarzadeh is an Assistant Professor of Architecture and PSL director, with a background in architectural design, computation, and structural engineering. He holds a D.Sc. from ETH Zurich, two degrees from MIT, and a degree in Earthquake Engineering and Dynamics of Structures from Iran University of Science and Technology. His main research topic is Three-Dimensional Graphical Statics, a novel geometric method of structural design in 3D. He received the NSF CAREER Award in 2020 and co-PIs a $4.6M NSF grant investigating high-performance, self-Morphing building blocks. He also received a $2.4M ARPA-E Grant for designing Carbon-Negative Buildings starting Sept. 2022.

Yao Lu

University of Pennsylvania

Yao is currently a Ph.D. student at the Polyhedral Structures Laboratory, Weitzman School of Design, University of Pennsylvania. He is a design researcher with a great interest in generative design, robotic fabrication, 3D printing, and computer graphics. Before joining PSL, he graduated from Cornell University with a Master of Science in Matter Design Computation, advised by Prof. Jenny Sabin, Prof. Christopher Hernandez, and Prof. Steve Marschner. His primary research focused on generating bio-inspired load-bearing lattice structures in various scales. He also holds a Master of Architecture and a Bachelor in Engineering degree from Tongji University, advised by Prof. Ming Zhang.

Lecture 01

Time: May 5  20:00-22:25(UTC-+8)

Lecture 02

Time: May 12  20:00-22:25(UTC-+8)

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