LIU Yichun, Born in 1969
1986 Entered College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University (undergraduate program, postgraduate program)
Partner and Chief Architect of Atelier Deshaus
Guest Professor of College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
CHEN Yifeng, Born in 1972
1990 Entered College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University (undergraduate program, postgraduate program)
Partner and Chief Architect of Atelier Deshaus
“Object” and "environment" in the context of architecture can be understood in this way: the significance of the "object" refers to the physical existence of a building, which is a passive concept; while the significance of the “environment” relates to the space where it is enclosed and its ambience: this is an active concept. In architectural design, the "object" contributes to the completion of the "environment", while the latter also benefit the former. This understanding has proven that we have been concerned about the content of architecture noumenon.