
In order to explore the methodology and application of digital design and fabrication, 2016 DigitalFUTURE Summer Workshop series opened from 25th June 2016. With the theme of “From Diagrammatic Thinking to Digital Fabrication”, the event includes Digital Design and Fabrication Workshop, International Conference, Workshop Exhibition, Laboratory Open House and Lecture Series. The event is hosted by College of Architecture and Urban Planning Tongji University, Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co.,Ltd, and Shanghai Digital Architecture Fabrication Technology Center.

More than 200 students enrolled in the Summer Workshop. After several reviews by the committee and group instructor, 85 students from 11 foreign universities and 11 Chinese universities stood out. The international students are from Columbia University, UCLA, UC Berkley, Cooper Union, UCL, The Chinese University of Hongkong, as well as Chinese students from Tongji University, Southeast University, South China University of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Central Academy of Fina Arts, Chongqing University, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang University etc.


The workshop invited ten outstanding instructors from world famous schools. Respectly, they are Prof. Neil Leach, from European Graduate School, Behnaz Farahi, from USC, Roland Snooks, Gwylin Fiacha Jahn, from RMIT, Laura Mary Harper from Monash University, Prof. Matias del Campo and Prof. Sandra Manninger, from UMich, Prof. Ezio Blasetti, and Prof. Danielle Wilems, from UPenn.



On 2nd July, the workshop exhibition opened at the exhibition of CAUP Basement, till 15th September. Eight Groups are presenting their “Diagrammatic Thinking in Digital Fabrication”:

Group1: Robotic Spatial Planning


Group2: Robotic 3D Bending


Group3: Robotic Timber Tectonics



Group4: Wind Tunnel and CFD Morphologies


Group5: 3D Printing Wearable Design


Group6: Stigmergic Autonomous Deposition


Group7: Particle Hut

Group8: Encoding Robotic Behaviour




Followed up the workshop and its exhibition, the conference opened on 3rd July. Respectively, the keynote speakers are Prof. Antoine Picon, from Harvard Univeristy GSD, and Prof. Achim Menges, from University of Stuttgard and Harvard GSD. Other invited guests, Prof. XU Weiguo, from Tsinghua University; Prof. Neil Leach, from European Graduate School and CAUP; Prof. LI Biao, from Southeach University; Prof. Mike Xie, from RMIT; Prof. JI Guohua, from Nanjing University; Prof. YANG Feng and Prof. Philip F. YUAN from CAUP Tongji University, also delivered speech.
