
Schedule Overview

All times are in Beijing Time

Before June 23: Tutors/participants arrive in Shanghai

June 24: Opening Ceremony Series

Location: Building B Auditorium, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University


Tutor/participant registration

Opening ceremony and keynote speeches

CDRF International Conference Parallel Sessions (detailed agenda to be released soon)

Lunch break/workshop group meetings

CDRF International Conference Parallel Sessions (detailed agenda to be released soon)

Keynote speeches

DigitalFUTURES Award 2023 Ceremony

June 25-30: Workshop Teaching

Location: Building D, Classrooms and Lecture Halls, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University


Workshop teaching

Workshop lecture series/Young Scholars Forum

July 1: Closing Ceremony Series

Location: Building B Auditorium and Building C Exhibition Hall, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University


Workshop exhibition preparation

Workshop final presentations

Closing ceremony and keynote speeches

Workshop exhibition opening and tour

From June 17 to 22, we will organize two online lectures daily. Guest speakers include (in order of lecture time): Andrew Witt (GSD), Shiqiao Li (UVA), Alejandro Zaera-Polo (AZPML), Achim Menges (ICD- Stuttgart), Antoine Picon (GSD), Mario Carpo (UCL), Neil Leach (Tongji). The detailed agenda will be released soon. Welcome all students to participate online.

In-person Workshops Guide

1. Please join the WeChat group for admitted students.

All successful admission notifications have been sent to the students' email. Please check your email in a timely manner. If you have received the notification, please contact the teaching assistant according to the information in the email, and join the WeChat group for admitted students and the group chat for your team. If you encounter any problems, please contact us through the WeChat backend of this official account.

2. Preparations before workshops

Please prepare personal computer, USB flash drive and other hardware tools according to the requirements of the instructor, install relevant software and familiarize yourself with the usage in advance.

Note: Due to the uncertainty of classroom seating arrangements, each student should bring a power strip.

3. Itinerary

The in-person workshops will be held at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, located at 1239 Siping Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, from June 24th to July 1st. Students must arrive in Shanghai before June 23rd. The workshops require full-time participation. If you are unable to participate in the entire workshop due to personal reasons, please contact the teaching assistant in advance.

Note: The entire teaching of the workshops is free of charge. Students need to arrange their own transportation and accommodation.

4. Campus access

The work camp teaching assistant will notify the campus access requirements through WeChat.

5. Registration for admission

The registration time for admission is from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. on June 24th, and the registration location is the lobby of Building B of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University. Please show your ID card or student card with your name, sign the agreement (this is a necessary procedure for admission, please be aware in advance), and receive materials such as canvas bags, student cards, T-shirts, and guidebooks.

6. Opening ceremony

Admitted students must participate in the opening ceremony throughout the event. During this period, instructors and teaching assistants will organize group meetings, classroom allocation, seating arrangements and other teaching preparations.

7. Teaching arrangements

The teaching time of the workshop is from June 24th to July 1st. Students can leave and return home earliest after the opening of the workshop exhibition at 6:00 p.m. on July 1st.

Online Workshops Entrance Guide

1. Please join the WeChat group for admitted students

All successful admission notifications have been sent to the students' email. Please check your email in a timely manner and contact the instructor team.

2. Preparations before workshops

Please prepare personal computer, USB flash drive, and other hardware tools according to the requirements of the instructor, install relevant software, and familiarize yourself with the usage in advance.
Note: The online workshops will use the ZOOM conference platform. Please download it in advance.

3. Registration for admission

The registration email for online admission will be sent to the student's email before the start of the workshop. Students can receive the electronic version of the guidebook, sign the agreement, and return the scanned version (this is a necessary procedure for admission, please be aware in advance).

4. Opening ceremony

Students can view detailed information about the opening ceremony in the electronic version of the guidebook. You must participate in the opening ceremony online through ZOOM.

5. Teaching arrangements

Instructors will notify students of the detailed teaching arrangements and ZOOM numbers through email or WeChat. Students must check in daily, complete the teaching assignments, and participate in the final presentation of results and closing ceremony online.

Emerging Planetarism
