

Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia  | 

 Lecture Series

Lecture 01: November 30 / 15:30-17:05 (Beijing time)

Design Behaviors 

Programming the material world for Responsive and Circular Architecture

Areti Markopoulou

Lecture 02: December 07 / 15:30-17:05 (Beijing time)

Advanced Computation for Perfomance based Design

David Andres Leon

Lecture 03: December 14 / 15:30-17:05 (Beijing time)

Robotics and Advanced Construction

Alexandre Dubor

Lecture 01

Design Behaviors 

Programming the material world for Responsive and Circular Architecture

Speaker: Areti Markopoulou

Academic Director of IAAC 

Advanced Architecture Group Director  

MAA Director 

MaCT Director

Time:15:30-17:05, November 30

Location:Lecture Room D2, 5F, Building D, CAUP

Zoom ID:821 9968 6817    Password:  812470

Speaker Information

Areti Markopoulou


Academic Director of IAAC 

Advanced Architecture Group Director  

MAA Director 

MaCT Director

Areti Markopoulou is a Greek architect, researcher and urban technologist working at the intersection between architecture and digital technologies. She is the Academic Director at IAAC in Barcelona, where she also leads the Advanced Architecture Group, a multidisciplinary research group exploring how design and science can positively impact and transform the present and future of our built spaces, the way we live and interact. Her research and practice focus on redefining the architecture of cities through an ecological and technological spectrum combining design with biotechnologies, new materials, digital fabrication and big data.
