Associate Professor
Current Positions
Associate Professor, College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP), Tongji University
Director, Centre for Urban Science and Planning, College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP), Tongji University
Honorary Fellow, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), University College London (UCL)
Associate Editor, Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology (TUS) at SAGE
Positions in Academic Organisation
Board member, Committee for Computational Design, Institute of Chinese Architect
Board member, Committee for Big Data Research, Institute of Chinese Urban Science
Board member, Committee for Digital Twin and Future Cities, Institute of Chinese Urban Science
Research Interests
Urban Modelling; Spatial Analysis; Urban Geometry; Resilient City; Complex Network; Social Physics; Transport and Land Use; Visualisation; Urban Studies
2017 University College London
Doctor of Philosophy, in Urban Spatio-social analytics – No correction
2012 Tianjin University
Master of Engineering, in Urban Planning & Design – Distinction
2009 Tianjin University
Bachelor of Engineering, in Urban Planning – Distinction
Research Grants (PI only)
National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Program, Network resilience for high-frequency cities: measures redefinition, key elements detection and automatic optimisation, 52278074, PI, 2023-2026.
Shanghai Science and Technology Development Founds, Rising-star (Qimingxing) Program, urban network vulnerability evaluation, bottle-neck detection, and precise augmentation with spatiotemporal intelligence. 22QB1404800, PI, 2022-2024.
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Early Career Program, Quantifying urban high-frequency spatial networks, 51908413, PI, 2020-2023.
Chinese Ministry of Education, Collaborative Education Program, Cases of digital twins for a large coverage and fine resolution, 202102479002, PI, 2022-2023.
Shanghai Pujiang Program, Measuring, evaluating, and improving urban spatial network with urban big data, 2019PJC106, PI, 2018-2020.
Journal articles
Li, C., Huang, Y., Shen, Y.* and Xu, L., 2022. Spatiotemporal patterns and mechanisms of street vending from the social sensing perspective: A comparison between law-enforcement reported and residents complain events. Cities, 124, p.103597.
Shen, Y, Xu Y, Liu L. 2021. Crowd-Sourced City Images: Decoding Multidimensional Interaction between Imagery Elements with Volunteered Photos. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 10(11):740. SCI - IF: 3.390
Zhou, Y., Shen, Y*., Yang, X., Wang, Z. and Xu, L., 2021. Where to Revitalize, and How? A Rural Typology Zoning for China. Land, 10(12), p.1336.
Smith, D. A., Shen, Y., Barros, J., Zhong, C., Batty, M., & Giannotti, M. (2020). A compact city for the wealthy? Employment accessibility inequalities between occupational classes in the London metropolitan region 2011. Journal of Transport Geography, 86, 102767. SSCI- IF:4.986
Shen, Y., and Wu, Z. 2021. Functional visibility graph analysis: Quantifying visuofunctional space with social media check-in data. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. 23998083211001840
Shen, Y., Xu, Y., and Huang Z. 2021. Multi-occupation segregation through London's tube network. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 0308518X211027172.
Giannotti, M., Barros, J., Tomasiello, D.B., Smith, D., Pizzol, B., Santos, B.M., Zhong, C., Shen, Y., Marques, E. and Batty, M., 2021. Inequalities in transit accessibility: Contributions from a comparative study between Global South and North metropolitan regions. Cities, 109, p.103016.
Shen, Y., 2019. Segregation through space: A scope of the flow-based spatial interaction model. Journal of Transport Geography, 76, pp.10-23.
Shen, Y., Karimi, K., Law, S. and Zhong, C., 2019. Physical co-presence intensity: Measuring dynamic face-to-face interaction potential in public space using social media check-in records. PloS one, 14(2), p.e0212004.
Shen, Y. and Batty, M. 2019. Delineating the perceived functional regions of London for commuting flows. Environment and Planning A: Economic and Space. 51(3): 547-550.
Shen, Y. and Batty, M. 2018. Ripples and undulations in the perceived supply-demand mismatch surface of London’s job market. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 5(1), pp. 263-266.
Shen, Y. and Karimi, K., 2018. Urban evolution as a spatio-functional interaction process: the case of central Shanghai. Journal of Urban Design, 23(1), pp.42-70.
Batty, M., and Shen, Y., 2018. Artificial Intelligence in City Planning and Design. Time + Architecture, 2018(1): 24 – 31.
Shen, Y. and Karimi, K., 2017. The economic value of streets: mix-scale spatio-functional interaction and housing price patterns. Applied Geography, 79, pp.187-202.
Long, Y., Zhai, W., Shen, Y., & Ye, X., 2017, Understanding China's Uneven Urban Expansion in the Big and Open Data Context, Landscape & Urban Planning. 177, pp 281-293.
Shen, Y., and Karimi, K., 2016, Urban Function Connectivity: Characterisation of Functional Urban Streets with Social Media Check-in Data. Cities. 55: 9-21.
Long, Y., Shen, Y.*, and Jin, X., 2016, Mapping Block-Level Urban Areas for All Chinese Cities. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 106(1): 96-113.
Yu, Z., Chen, Y., Zheng, S., Shen, Y., Yu, Z., & Pascual, J. 2016, Urban Impedance Computing Based on Check-In Records. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2016.
Penn, A., and Shen, Y., 2016. Urban Design in the New Data Environment: A Dialogue with Professor Alan Penn. Beijing Planning Review, 10, 178-195.
Shen, Y., and Long, Y., 2015, Data as the Instrumentality of Design: Exploring the Sustainable Meanings of Urban Orders in the New Data Environment. Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 3 (3): 10-19.
Long, Y., and Shen, Y., 2015, Data Augmented Design: urban planning and design in the new data environment. Shanghai Urban Planning Review, 2(121): 81-87.
Hall, P., Shen, Y., and Liu, L., 2014, Lessons from Europe: Challenges and Opportunities of Chinese Urbanism in Transition (part b) – A dialogue with Professor Sir Peter Hall. Beijing Planning Review, 6, pp. 186 – 192.
Hall, P., Shen, Y., and Liu, L., 2014, Lessons from Europe: Challenges and Opportunities of Chinese Urbanism in Transition (part a) – A dialogue with Professor Sir Peter Hall. Beijing Planning Review, 5, pp. 178 – 187.
Book chapters
Zhong, C., Luan, Z., Shen, Y., Li, X. and Tu, W., 2020. Profiling rapid urban transformation through urban mobility data in Shenzhen. In The Geography of Mobility, Wellbeing and Development in China (pp. 86-100). Routledge.
Long, Y., Shen, Y., Yao, X., and Gao, S., 2015, Spatially Heterogeneous Impact of Urban Form on Human Mobility: Evidence from Analysis Of TAZ and Individual Scales in Beijing. Book chapter in Geospatial analysis to support urban planning in Beijing, edited by Long and Shen, Springer Press.
Conference proceedings
Shen, Y., Law, S, & Karimi, K. 2019. Measuring visibility to urban functions with social media data. In 12th International Space Syntax Symposium, 2019 (Vol. 12). Space Syntax Symposium (SSS).
Law, S., Shen, Y., Penn, A., & Karimi, K. 2019. Identifying street-character-weighted local area using locally weighted community detection methods the case study of London and Amsterdam. In 12th International Space Syntax Symposium, 2019 (Vol. 12). Space Syntax Symposium (SSS).
Shen, Y. 2018, Quantifying face-to-face interaction patterns in urban space with social media check-in records. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers. New Orleans, US.
Shi, Z., Shen, Y., 2018, How do Londoners look like in Social Media? Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers. New Orleans, US.
Law, S., Shen, Y., and Seresinhe C., 2017, An application of convolutional neural network in street image classification. GeoAI 2017.
Shen, Y., Karimi, K., and Law, S., 2017, Encounter and its configurational logic: Understanding spatiotemporal co-presence with road network and social media check-in data. 11th International Space Syntax Symposium.
Law, S., Karimi, K., Penn, A., and Shen, Y., 2017, The economic value of geometric accessibility for UK cities: A comparative analysis using the hedonic price approach. 11th International Space Syntax Symposium.
Wen, G., Yu, Z., Liu, Q., Chen, Y., and Shen, Y., 2016, Spatial Interaction Modelling Using Check-in Data. The 13th Web Information Systems and Applications Conference.
Zheng, S., Chen, Y., Yu, Z., Guo, S., and Shen, Y., 2015, Urban Impedance Computing Model Based on Network Interest Points, 11th Chinese Pervasive Computing Conference. Liaoning, China.
Zhao, S., Chen, Y., Yu, Z., Zhu, W., and Shen, Y., 2015, Strategic Analysis of the Optimal Restaurant Placement Based on Check-In Data, 11th Chinese Pervasive Computing Conference. Liaoning, China.
Shen, Y., and Karimi, K., 2015, Understanding the Roles of Urban Configuration on Spatial Heterogeneity and Submarket Regionalisation of House Price Pattern in a Mix-Scaled Hedonic Model: the Case of Shanghai, China. Proceedings of 10th Space Syntax Symposium. London, UCL.
Shen, Y., 2014, Measuring Street-based Function Accessibility with Urban Network and Points of Interest. AESOP Annual Congress 2014, Utrecht/Delft.
Shen, Y., and Long, Y., 2014, Mapping City Built-up Areas with Road Network and Point of Interest Using Vector Cellular Automata. Applied Urban Modelling Conference 2014, Cambridge.
Shen, Y., Karimi, K., and Xia, Q. 2013, Morphological Transformation of Historical Centres in Tianjin. Proceedings of 9th International Space Syntax Symposium. Sejong University Press.
Journal Reviewer
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, Physica A, Computer, Environment and Urban System, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Applied Geography, Transactions on Big data, Plos One, Journal of Transport Geography, Sustainable city and society, Cities, Frontier in Public Health, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Housing studies, The Professional Geographer, Journal of Urban Design, Urban Design International, Sustainability, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Resources, Environments, Applied Science, Information, Computational Urban Science, ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Urban Informatics, Sustainable city and society, Journal of Spatial Science; Transaction on Big Data, Growth and Change, Open Geosience, Frontier of Earth Science, Frontier in Oncology, Transaction in Urban Data, Science and Technology, etc.
Guest Editor
Plos One, Frontiers in Public Health, Frontiers in Built Environment, Sustainability, Transactions in Urban Data, Science and Technology
Year 3-5/ Fall/ Urban Modelling and Interpretation [English]
Year 3-5/ Spring/ Urban Geometry [English)
Year 3/ Fall/ Planning and Design for Community Centres
Year 3/ Spring/ Planning and Design for Residential Neighbours
Year 4/ Fall/ Comprehensive Planning
Year 4/ Spring/ Urban Design