Lingyue LI
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Urban Planning and Design, The University of Hong Kong
M.Phil. Urban Planning and Design, The University of Hong Kong
B. E. Urban Planning, Tongji University
Current Positions:
Associate professor in Department of Urban Planning, College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP), Tongji University
Director, FIC Lab
Column editor in Urban Planning Forum
▪ Year 4 /Spring /Undergraduate / Urban Policy and Planning
▪ Year 5 /Fall /Undergraduate / Regulatory Plan Studio
▪ Year 4 / Spring /Undergraduate/ Urban Design Studio
▪ Year 3 /Spring /Undergraduate / Residential District Design Studio
▪ Year 3 /Fall /Undergraduate / Community Center Design Studio
Research interests:
1. Urban policy and governance under transition
2. Urban technology, innovation and smart city
3. Urban regeneration
4. Urban spatial analytics
Research Grant:
▪ A political economy perspective towards distribution characteristics and driving forces of urban innovation space: A case study of Shanghai (NSFC: 51808391, PI), 2019.1.1-2021.12.31
▪ Research on industrial land renewal mechanisms and strategy, Shanghai Urban Renewal Key Laboratory Seed Funding Recipient, PI, 2019/07-2020/06
▪ Analysis on S&T innovation capacity in Shanghai, Shanghai Soft Science Foundation Grant, PI, 2019/10-2020/09
▪ A political economy analysis of Shanghai new town development and its spatial impacts (Shanghai Pujiang Program: 17PJC084, PI), 2017.9.1-2019.8.31
▪ Characteristics, mechanisms and strategy of village development driven by local industries: Cases of Zhejiang and Jiangsu (NSFC: 51978478), 2020.01-2023.12
▪ Research on improving ecological resilience for planning and construction of rural livable space (NSFC Emergency management project: 71841002), 2018.06-2019.05
▪ Financing the urban centres of tomorrow: Exploring the potential of Land Value Capture to secure sustainable urban development, NSFC International/Regional Cooperation and Communication Project, 2019.03-2022.02
▪ Planning technology research and development of county-level towns space development intelligent management and control and functional improvement, sub-project 2: Key technologies for scale structure optimization and planning in county towns and villages, The 13th Five-Year National Major R&D Plan, 2018.12-2022.12
▪ Key technologies for identifying spatial evolution of county towns and villages, The 13th Five-Year National Major R&D Plan, 2018.12-2022.12
▪ Caring aging needs and promoting service innovation development in villages, China Democratic League Shanghai Committee Grant, 2020.06
▪ The production of urban space in Shanghai: Urban entrepreneurialism and governance (Co-I), 2012-2015; Funding Source: Francis S K Lau Research Fund in Urban Studies and Planning
Selected publications:
▪ Li, L and Xiao, Y.* (2022). Capital accumulation and urban land development in China: (Re)making Expo Park in Shanghai, Land Use Policy, 112: 104472 (SSCI)
▪ Li, L, Zhang, S, Wang, J, Yang, X, Wang L* (2021). Governing public health emergencies during the coronavirus disease outbreak: Lessons from four Chinese cities in the first wave, Urban Studies, (SSCI)
▪ Li, L, Xian S.*, Qi, Z (2022). Planning for Eco-City in China: Policy Mobility in Path Creation of Eco-Zhuhai, Sustainable Development Research, 4(2), 27-38
▪ Li, L, Luo, Y, Zhang, X* (2021). Research on Urban Innovation Space, Influential Factors and Planning Countermeasures: A Case Study of Shanghai. Shanghai Urban Planning, 16-20, doi 10.11982/j.supr.20210505. (CSSCI-E, in Chinese)
▪ Li, L* (2021) Contesting Sustainability of Mega-Events in Chinese Metropolises: A Narrative and Practise Review. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3:687315. doi: 10.3389/frsc.2021.687315
▪ Li, L, Qi, Z*, Zhong T (2021). Forest Transition and Its Dynamics in Subtropical Chongqing, China since 1990s, Land, 10, 777, (SSCI)
▪ Li, L*, Geng, H, Zhang, X (2021). State Restructuring and Urban Innovation Development in Post-reform China: Shanghai’s Innovation Action in Review, Journal of Geographical Research, 4(3): 34-43
▪ Li, L, Li, M, Xiao, Y* (2022). Entrepreneurialism in Chinese space production: Research on urban land redevelopment in Shanghai Expo Park, Urban Planning International, 37(3):67-72. (CSSCI, in Chinese)
▪ Zhang, T, Liu, Y,Li, L* (2021). Integrating Health Impact Assessment into Spatial Planning System of China: Insights from Guangzhou. Urban Development Studies, 28(6): 66-73. (CSSCI, in Chinese)
▪ Li, L* (2021). The path and mechanism of holistic industrial land renewal in Shanghai. Urbanism and Architecture, 18(3): 64-67 (in Chinese)
▪ Li, F, Cheng, Y*, Li, L. (2021). How entrepreneurialism influences HSR-driven land development: Case studies of Anhui province, China, Land Use Policy, 106, (SSCI)
▪ Li, L, Wang, L, Qi, Z* (2021). The spatiotemporal variation of farmland use transition and its critical influential factors in coordinated urban-rural regions: A case of Chongqing in western China, Sustainable Cities and Society, 70: 102921, (SCI)
▪ Li, L, Qi, Z*, Xian, S, Yao, D (2021). Agricultural Land Use Change in Chongqing and the Policy Rationale behind It: A Multiscale Perspective, Land, 10, 275, (SSCI)
▪ Li, L*, Wang, L (2021). Research on Industrial Building Renewal under Revitalization Policy in Hong Kong, Housing Science, 41(2): 33-38 (in Chinese)
▪ Li, L, Li, W, Wang, L* (2021). Urban Entrepreneurialism and Green Renewal of Industrial Heritage: Mechanisms and Impacts: Implications and Reflections on Highline Park, Landscape Architecture, 28(1): 87-92 (in Chinese)
▪ Yu, M, Yin, H, Li, L* (2021). An Evolutionary Resilience Approach to Post-Disaster Planning of Village Community: Revisiting Post-Earthquake Planning Practice in Longmen Village, Lushan County, Urban Development Studies, 28(2): 9-15 (CSSCI, in Chinese)
▪ Li L., Qi Z., Xian S. * (2020) State Spatial Selectivity and Its Impacts on Urban Sprawl: Insights from Remote Sensing Images of Zhuhai. In: Huang DS., Bevilacqua V., Hussain A. (eds) Intelligent Computing Theories and Application. ICIC 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham, pp. 329–341 (EI)
▪ Li, L and Zhang, X.* (2020). Spatial Evolution and Critical Factors of Urban Innovation: Evidence from Shanghai, China, Sustainability, 12(3), 938, doi:10.3390/su12030938. (SCI/SSCI)
▪ Li, L, Qi, Z.*, Xian, S. (2020). Decoding spatiotemporal patterns of urban land sprawl in Zhuhai, China, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 18(1), 913-927. (SCI)
▪ Li, L* (2020). Research on urban restructuring in Euro-America and China since 1970s: From a western perspective, Urban Planning International, 35(03), 9-14 (CSSCI, in Chinese)
▪ Li, L and Xu, C.* (2019). Innovation-Oriented Industrial Space Optimization Strategy in Areas of Transition: A Case of Kunshan, Planners, 35(20), 60-66. (CSSCI, in Chinese)
▪ Li, L, Zhang, X.*, Luo, Y. (2019). Research on the Evolution Characteristics of Innovation Space from an Output Perspective: A Case Study of Shanghai, Urban Development Studies, 26(6), 87-92 (CSSCI, in Chinese)
▪ Xian, S; Li, L*; Qi, Z (2019). Toward a sustainable urban expansion: A case study of Zhuhai, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 230, 276-285. (SCI)
▪ Li, L* (2019). A mega-event approach to glurbanization: Insights from Expo 2010, Shanghai. Journal of Geographical Research, 6(1), 1-12.
▪ Li, L* and Luo, Y. (2018). A comparative study of inland river tourism development in London and Shanghai. Scientific Development, 121, 74-81 (in Chinese).
▪ Li, L* (2018). Mega-events and urban spatial restructuring: Rethinking Shanghai Expo. Modern Urban Research, 12, 76-83. (CSSCI-E, in Chinese)
▪ He, S*; Li, L; Zhang, Y; Wang, J (2018) A small entrepreneurial city in action: Policy mobility, urban entrepreneurialism, and politics of scale in Jiyuan, China. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 42(4), 684-702. (SSCI)
▪ Li, L* and Chan, R.C.K. (2017). Contesting China’s engagement with neoliberal urbanism: An overview of the evolving policy and mismatches in urban China. Asian Education and Development Studies, 6(1), 44-56. (Scopus)
▪ Li, L* (2017). A Summary of the Studies on Foreign Urban Entrepreneurialism. Shanghai Economy, 274, 48-57. (CSSCI, in Chinese)
▪ Chan, R.C.K. and Li, L* (2017). Entrepreneurial city and the restructuring of urban space in Shanghai Expo. Urban Geography, 38(5), 666-686 (SSCI)
▪ Li, L* (2015). State rescaling and national new area development in China: The case of Chongqing Liangjiang. Habitat International, 50, 80-89. (SSCI)
Book chapters
▪ Yang, ZY,Xiao, J, Li, L, Xu, K, Sun, TY,Tang, B,Miaden Jadric (2021) Rebirth of the urban village[M]. Beijing: CHINA CITY PRESS. (in Chinese)
▪ Tong, M, Gao, J, Li, L (2020). Urban policy analysis, China Architecture & Building Press (In Chinese)
▪ Li, L (2018) Urban Planning and Mega-Event Projects: Lessons from Expo 2010, Shanghai. In Y.B. Ergen (ed.), An Overview of Urban and Regional Planning, IntechOpen, London, pp.123-138. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.78662
▪ Liu, X, Li, L (2018). World City Network: A Global Urban Analysis by Peter Taylor and Ben Derudder. Jiangsu: Phoenix Education Publishing, Ltd. (In Chinese)