SHAO Yuhan
Associate Professor of Lnadscape Architecture
College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
Current Positions:
Head of Academic Development Institute, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
Director of Restorative Urbanism Research Center (RURC), Tongji University
Chinese Expert of the Social-spatial Urbanism Unit (SsUU), Sheffield University, UK;
Special Expert of the Research Center of Chinese Traditional Wisdom Digital Literature;
Special Editor of Journal of Landscape Architecture.
Teaching Responsibilities:
1) 《Human Settlement Environmental Science》
2) 《Landscape Planning and Design Principles》
3) 《Landscape Architecture Theory》
4) 《Landscape Urban Design》
5) 《Research Methodology》
6) 《Architecture Design》
7) 《Landscape Design》
Research Focus:
1) Restorative Landscape System;
2) Coastal Landscape;
3) Urban Design and Renewal;
4) Landscape Big Data Construction;
5) Landscape Value Assessments;
6) Urban Green and Wellbeing.