
SHAO Yuhan



Associate Professor of Lnadscape Architecture

College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University



Current Positions:

Head of Academic Development Institute, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

Director of Restorative Urbanism Research Center (RURC), Tongji University

Chinese Expert of the Social-spatial Urbanism Unit (SsUU), Sheffield University, UK;

Special Expert of the Research Center of Chinese Traditional Wisdom Digital Literature;

Special Editor of Journal of Landscape Architecture.

Teaching Responsibilities

1) Human Settlement Environmental Science

2) Landscape Planning and Design Principles

3) Landscape Architecture Theory

4) Landscape Urban Design

5) Research Methodology

6) Architecture Design

7) Landscape Design

Research Focus:

1) Restorative Landscape System;

2) Coastal Landscape

3) Urban Design and Renewal;

4) Landscape Big Data Construction;  

5) Landscape Value Assessments;  

6) Urban Green and Wellbeing.