
ZHOU Yizhi

College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

Address:308 Building C,CAUP, Siping Road 1239, 200092 Shanghai



Research Fields

Traditional timber construction in South China

Traditional vernacular Architecture

Research Profile

PhD in Architecture History and Theory from Yokohama National University in Japan, Assistant Professor of Architecture at Tongji University. The research focuses on the current situation, digital reproduction, and regeneration of traditional rural architecture in China.

Current Courses

Scope of Vernacular Architecture


The design theory of traditional vernacular architecture in Zhejiang and Fujian (浙闽风土建筑意匠), Tongji university press, 2019.7

Publications Scaling the living space: Zipf’s law for traditional courtyard houses in South China, Frontiers in Built Environment, 2022, 8: 1-11

Sinicisation and ethnicity: spatialcharacteristics of Shui vernacular architecture in Guizhou, Southwest China. BuiltHeritage, 2021, 5(2)


Grants and Awards

NSFC: Study on constitutive model and evolution mechanism of space and tectonic features about vernacular architecture in Southeast Coast, 2018/01-2020/12