Notice on 2024 Summer Holiday & Safety Instruction
Release time:2024-07-05


Notice on 2024 Summer Holiday & Safety Instruction


According to the university school calendar, this semester ends on July 5th, the practical teaching starts on July 8th and ends on August 2nd, and the first semester of the 2024-2025 academic year starts on September 2nd.



August 18 is the registration date for 2024 undergraduate students, and August 18-25 is orientation week for freshmen.

August 25 is the registration date for 2024 graduate students. August 26-30 is orientation week.

August 26-30 is the registration time for the international students.

August 31, and September 1 is the registration time for all undergraduate and graduate students.

All courses start on September 2nd.



Students who stay at school during summer holiday shall strengthen safety awareness, prepare for the prevention of typhoon, flood, sunstroke caused by the impact of severe weather. Also please pay attention to the prevention of fire and thievery. In order to ensure a safe living and learning environment during the Holiday, CAUP would like to remind students to pay attention to the safety tips:


Excessive drinking in dorm and bars is forbidden. Don’t shout or make noise in dorm and keep a good life habit. Visitors are not allowed to live in the school’s dormitory.


All students must comply with Chinese laws and regulations in addition to our university’s policies. Please pay a special attention to the common violations such as illegal working with student visa, visa expiration, unruly behavior due to alcohol, and disturbing others when living off campus. Stay away from pornography, gambling and drug abuse.


Pay attention to using electricity safely. Do not use the prohibited or high-volume electricity appliances. Do not personally change the electricity wires or structure without any permit.


Traffic and travel safety reminders: Please abide by all traffic laws and regulations and pay close attention to traffic safety.


Improve the awareness of personal information protection, strengthening anti-theft anti-fraud awareness.

6)紧急事宜联系:任何紧急事宜,请直接联系负责老师,如遇突发事件,请直接拨打各种报警电话。校区保卫处: 6598 2404公安:110 火警:119 急救电话:120

Emergency contacts: In the event of an emergency, please contact the relevant teacher when it is safe to do so. If you need urgent assistance, please call one of the following numbers.

Campus Security6598 2404

Public Security: 110; Fire: 119; First Aid: 120. 



Please pay close attention to the notice informed by our college and by Tongji University for the fall semester. Please travel safely and Happy Summer Holiday




College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University

July 5th, 2024