

The lecture engages the discursive topic of the city within the discipline of architecture. It asks: How does the city affect its buildings?

The tradition within architectural history that identifies the city as the origin of our buildings challenges architects to theorize about the city’s form and use in order to rationalize our own actions. This dissertation responds to that challenge. In opposition to other approaches to the city and its architecture, however, this work does not essentialize the architecture of the city as its type, function, or matter. Instead, I argue that the mode of existence of architecture is inherent to the city itself, which originates its architecture as part of its being as a technical object.

Alongside a thorough reading of the physical and intellectual history of the city, I visualize how architectural and urban elements concretize, when we Gan algortims oar used to the creation of new urban forms.


Peter Trummer

University of Innsbruck

Peter Trummer is a Professor for Urban Design & Urban Planning at the University of Innsbruck, serving as the Head of the Institute of Urban Design (IOUD) from 2010 to 2021 and currently the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture. He is a Visiting Professor for Architectural Design and Architectural Theory at SCI-Arc in Los Angeles, among other international lecturing and teaching positions. Trummer received his Master’s Degree at the Technical University in Graz under the supervision of Günther Domenig, Postgraduate Degree at the Berlage Institute in Amsterdam in 1997, and PhD on “The City as a Technical Being”, supervised by Sanford Kwinter, at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna in 2022. Since 2001, he has pursued his own practice as an architect and researcher.