CAUP professors participated in the Asian Contemporary Architecture Exhibition
Release time:2024-05-13

Running from April 30th to May 5th, the Collective Language - Asian Contemporary Architecture Exhibition, organized by The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage, took place at the IMPACT Arena Exhibition and Convention Center in greater Bangkok, Thailand. This exhibition stands as the largest and most significant international architecture event in Thailand, featuring participation from design firms representing nearly twenty Asian countries and regions, including Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong SAR of China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.


Exhibition Venue ©The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage

This exhibition collaborated closely with the Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA) and its main member associations, including the Architectural Society of China (ASC), the Association of Lao Architects and Civil Engineers (ALACE), the Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB), the Institute of Architects Pakistan (IAP), the Japan Institute of Architects (JIA), the Korea Institute of Registered Architects (KIRA), the Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM), the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA), the Society of Nepalese Architects (SONA), the Association of Siamese Architects Under Royal Patronage (ASA), the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA), the Indian Institute of Architects (IIA), the United Architects of the Philippines (UAP), and the Vietnam Association of Architects (VAA).

CAUP Professor Jiang Wu, a former vice president of the Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA), and CAUP Assistant Professor Yiming Wang, were invited to attend the opening ceremony, educational forums, and other important events of the exhibition. Our CAUP visiting professor, Jenchieh Hung, also the co-founder and principal architect of Hung And Songkittipakdee / HAS design and research, served as the exhibition chairman and principal curator for the Collective Language - Asian Contemporary Architecture Exhibition.


ARCASIA members at the exhibition venue

During the event, Professor Jiang Wu gave a keynote presentation titled Supporting Young Architects in China at the educational forum. He introduced the challenges and pressures faced by young architects in China, including professional education, market competition, and skill enhancement, to the representatives from ARCASIA member countries. He also shared the work and experiences of institutions such as Tongji University and the Architectural Society of China in recent years, focusing on enhancing the professional skills of young architects, promoting mutual exchange, and enhancing technological innovation. The presentation sparked lively discussions among the attendees.


Professor Jiang Wu gave a keynote presentation at the educational forum

At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Jenchieh Hung introduced the main content of the exhibition to the attendees, including Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand and ARCASIA members from various countries.


Jenchieh Hung introduced the exhibition to Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn and ARCASIA members

Through participation in this event, Tongji University has further strengthened communication and exchanges with ARCASIA and architectural associations in various Asian countries, gaining a more specific understanding of the development trends of Asian architecture. Based on deepening mutual understanding, Tongji University has further enhanced its international influence and visibility. Tongji University has also engaged in in-depth exchanges with architectural associations in various Asian countries in areas such as architectural education, talent cultivation, and providing career development support for young architects.

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