【Lecture 27.03.2024】 International Comparative Study Seminar on Housing Planning: London, Tokyo, Taipei and Shanghai
Release time:2024-03-27

International Comparative Study Seminar on Housing Planning

——London、Tokyo、Taipei and Shanghai



Invited Speaker

Prof. Nick Gallent

Professor of Housing and Planning at The Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, and a Fellow of the Royal Town Planning Institute, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, and the UK’s Academy of Social Sciences


Supplying affordable housing in a private land market: ‘planning exceptions’ as an answer to the land question in rural England?


Housing to buy or rent privately in England is increasingly unaffordable.  Rates of owner-occupation have fallen and private rents consume ever-larger proportions of disposable incomes.  These issues are familiar to many countries.  But attempts, in England, to supply ‘affordable housing’ (by non-market actors) hit the barrier of a private land market.  Land allocated for housing in local plans is frequently unaffordable.  Permission to develop allocated sites is therefore conditional on the inclusion of a component of non-market housing.  Relative to in-area earnings, housing in rural areas is often less affordable than urban housing (Gallent et al, 2022).  And allocated development sites are often too small to carry a ‘planning contribution’ in the form of affordable homes. Therefore, and in order to reduce the land price component of development cost, authorities may exceptionally permit the development of affordable homes on unallocated sites – so called ‘rural exception sites’ (RES).  These may come forward where a local need is established, where a community supports development, and where a landowner is willing to sell land at a price that supports affordability. The operation of RES underscores the challenge of accessing affordable land and the centrality of the 'land question' in contemporary housing debates.  This presentation sets RES within a broader view of that question, focusing in particular on the rights and expectations of landowners in RES deals, whether this mechanism fundamentally addresses the power of landed interests, and whether there might be a more effective means of regulating land cost.


Invited Speaker

Prof. Tomoya KAJI

Professor at Meiji Gakuin University, a professional advisor of Transport and Tourism, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Association of Tokyo Boroughs and DESA at United Nations

Topic: Housing Policy: lts Evolution and Current Issues in Japan


Prof. Shiann-Far Kung

Professor and former Dean of the Architecture and Planning College, Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, China. 

Topic: Spatial planning and rural settlement transformation in Taiwan


A/Prof. Li Zhang

Associate professor at the Department of Urban Planning, CAUP and Director of the Training Center for Local Officers in Urban Planning, Tongji University

Topic: Rural Land System and Rural Housing in Shanghai

Invited Discussants

from Department of Urban Planning


Professor at CAUP, Former Chair of the Urban Planning Professional Educational Committee

LI Qing

Associate Professor at CAUP, research field is housing and urban design


Associate Professor and Deputy Head of the Department of Urban Planning, CAUP


Professor at CAUP, PhD from the Cardiff University, UK.