【11月14日 学术讲座】锚固与游离

2018 研究生城市设计课题及同济-TU DELFT 联合设计   系列讲座(三)

Anchoring and drift


Time  :  18:30-20:30,2018.11.14  

Venue:  The C1 Hall(C1报告厅)

Language:Chinese-English (中英)


The Yangpu Riverside Demonstration Section is the starting section of the Yangpu Riverside Public Space, which plays an important role in the construction of the Yangpu Riverside public space and even the entire Huangpu River. Standing on the old pier, touching the bolted anchor pile full of impressions and overlooking the Lujiazui financial center in the distance, the architect realized that this would be an important transformation of urban space, and it will also be a vivid demonstration of the city's century-old industrial culture. A major opportunity. The presenter will share based on the Yangpu Riverside Project and tell us how to transform Yangpu Riverside, an industrial land that has been vicissitudes of nearly a hundred years, into a public space full of popularity and vitality.

主讲人:章明    Zhang Ming



Deputy director,  Professor of Architecture Department, CAUP, Tongji University

Chief architect of Original Design Studio

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 “ 城市设计研究中心 ” 主办

同济大学学生党支部 “ 对标争先 ” 建设项目

“ 探寻海派机理,重塑历史记忆 ” - 历史街区城市体验与设计实践系列讲座

建筑与城市规划学院 / 研究生第二党支部协办