【11月15日 学术讲座】城市空间的商业化 & 购物中心+?

2018 研究生城市设计课题及同济-TU DELFT 联合设计   系列讲座(四)

演讲主题  Title

The commercialization of our urban spaces


Time  :  18:30-20:30,2018.11.15  

Venue:  The C1 Hall(C1报告厅)

Language:English (英语)


The commercialization of our urban spaces often creates opportunities for social and economic change which helps shape the development of our cities, the way we commute , how we work and play. We live in an era of diminishing resources, creativity is needed on how we build our environments.


我们城市空间的商业化往往为社会和经济变革创造机会,这有助于塑造我们城市的发展,我们的通勤方式,我们的工作和娱乐方式。 我们生活在一个资源日益减少的时代,我们需要在如何构建环境方面发挥创造力。


LEAD8   Co Founder & Executive Director 


Simon has over 25 years of experience in international architectural design. Graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and is a registered architect in Singapore.

For many years, Simon has participated in several awarded urban landmark projects in Asia, China and Hong Kong, including Singapore ION Orchard, Shanghai International Trade Plaza, Shanghai iAPM, Hong Kong Yuanfang and so on.

Simon currently leads and manages Lead8's architectural design team, implementing large retail business projects in China, Hong Kong, Jakarta and Taiwan.

Simon is active in design events, presentations and  government agency forums on transportation and urban development topics, including Asia MIPIM Summit, Asia Pacific RECON Summit, Asia Transit-Oriented Development Forum and Asia Retail Forum.


Simon多年来曾参与在亚洲、中国和香港多个标志性的城市地标获奖项目, 当中包括新加坡ION Orchard、上海环贸广场、上海iAPM、香港圆方等。

Simon目前带领和管理Lead8的建筑设计团队,执行在中国、香港、雅加达及台湾的大型零售商业项目Simon活跃于设计活动,会议演讲及参与许多政府机构论坛有关运输与城市发展主题的演讲, 包括MIPIM 亚洲高峰会、RECON 亚太高峰会、公共交通导向开发亚洲论坛和零售亚洲论坛。

演讲主题  Title




How to define the shopping mall in this day? Shopping mall and commercial space currently more and more crossover with some other social functions or urban facilities. Mall is not just a place for shopping but also help to fill up the vacancy of social scenes. Mall is becoming the core of the complex intersection and keep updating with city development.


如何定义当下的购物中心? 购物中心和商业空间目前越来越多地与其他一些社交功能或城市设施交叉。 购物中心不仅是一个购物场所,也有助于填补社交场景的空缺。 购物中心正在成为复杂交叉口的核心,并随着城市发展不断更新。


LEAD8   Senior Associate Director 高级副总监

Xing has more than 8 years of international expertise in architectural design and urban planning.

Xing is a Dutch registered architect and graduated from Delft University of Technology with an honorary master's degree.

Xing has a rich design background. He has worked as a city planner in the Mainland and has worked on many large residential, tourism and university planning projects. He has been involved in many important retail business and repositioning projects for many years, including Beijing Yingke Center, Shanghai Puhui Building, which was awarded the MIPIM Asia “Best Renovation Project” in 2017, and the recently opened China Resources Group Taiyuan MIXC.

Xing is currently responsible for many large-scale retail business projects at Lead8. Key projects include Shenzhen Bay MIXC, WuhanMIXC, Haikou MIXC and Hangzhou MIXC.

Xing在建筑设计和城市规划领域拥有超过 8 年的国际专业经验。

Xing是荷兰注册建筑师, 毕业于代尔夫特理工大学,获颁荣誉硕士学位。

Xing有着丰富的设计背景。他曾在内地任职城市规划师, 参与过许多大型住宅、旅游和大学规划项目。他多年來持续参与了许多重要的零售商业及重新定位项目, 包括获2017年MIPIM 亚洲「最佳复修项目」 金奖的北京盈科中心、上海浦汇大厦、和近期开业的华润集团山西太原万象影城。

Xing目前在Lead8负责许多個大型零售商业项目, 重点项目包括由华润集团发展的深圳湾万象城、武汉万象城、海口万象城和杭州万象城。

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 “ 城市设计研究中心 ” 主办

同济大学学生党支部 “ 对标争先 ” 建设项目

“ 探寻海派机理,重塑历史记忆 ” - 历史街区城市体验与设计实践系列讲座

建筑与城市规划学院 / 研究生第二党支部协办